From HODL to MOVE - A Path For Making Cryptocurrencies Work

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

If you're on Steemit, then I don't think I have to explain to you what HODL means. But just in case you forgot: HODL means "don't sell your crypto, no matter what".

This mindset had a major contribution to the value of all cryptocurrencies, and especially Bitcoin. I'm pretty sure that, without this approach, Bitcoin would have been much cheaper, and certainly not as popular as it is today.

If you really think about it, technology itself couldn't support the staggering increase in value. A large part of it obviously came from the perceived "lack of" Bitcoin, as a means of exchange, and from this restrained attitude of an entire generation of cypherpunks who decided to just hold their coins. The fact that there will only be 21 million Bitcoin issued ever, combined with this HODL mindset, created one of the most spectacular value generation processes known to human kind.

But, as spectacular as it is - and as enjoyable as it may be if you do own some Bitcoin - this mindset has some serious limitations.

First of all, the HODL approach is a mindset rooted in scarcity. The value of the underlying asset is given not by its usability, but by the difficulty to reach to it. From this perspective, a Bitcoin and a grain of sand from the Moon's surface have the same value. They're both out of reach for 99.9999999% of the people - and they're just as useless.

Second, the HODL mindset can lead to a serious stall. If nobody sell their tokens, then there's no market. If there's no market, there are no transactions, and if there are no transactions the process called "price discovery" can't unfold, which basically means the value of the asset goes down to zero.

Before rising that eyebrow, starting to ask yourself if there's some real benefit of this HODL approach, stop: yes, of course there is. Like I said, HODL created a lot of expectation and buzz around the tech and helped the perceived value to grow.

But HODL by itself is just not enough.


MOVE is an acronym I coined myself and basically means: Move Owned Value and Enjoy. And it's the second stage of any means of exchange: the one in which we're actually using the asset in exchange for goods and services. Your banknotes are at this stage, for instance. All the benjamins in the world are just MOVEing around and that's what makes them valuable, after all: everybody knows a benjamin and he's ready to give something to you in exchange for some.

Every major value exchange means in the history of human kind experienced both stages.

For instance, gold was accepted as a means of exchange based on the same scarcity mindset. It's a limited resource, impossible to create from parts or fake, and difficult to find. But as the size of the economy grew and as the layers around each economy became thicker and thicker (and I'm talking here primarily about the modern states, with governments structures and para-structures), what made gold famous eventually led to its demise: gold wasn't fungible. It became virtually impossible to move around and pay for a coffee with the 100th part of a gram of gold.

And here's when the distortion happened: instead of finding a way to make gold MOVEing, governments invented banknotes. And these banknotes are now heavily decoupled from the initial parity with gold. That coupling is just an illusion. A dream that we choose every moment to consider real. We may as well pay with blank sheets of paper with random drawings on each side.

But this dream kept those power structures alive up to the point they become unbearable. Then the 2008 crisis hit, the structures collapsed and we know what happened after. Governments bailed banks and Bitcoin was born, as a form of resistance against this outdated model.

And, to a large extent, Bitcoin succeeded. 10 years later, Bitcoin is alive and not only kicking, but kicking asses, if you know what I mean.

But the problem is that we're still at the HODL stage. In order to become an actual currency, we also need to MOVE.

And here's where the distortion may be avoided: instead of having a third party "printing" Bitcoin paired money (a government) we will have many distinct currencies, each with its own market cap and governance, but all tied up to the Bitcoin layer. Each major blockchain (I'm talking about serious projects here, not about scams or impotent ICOs) will act as a type of MOVEing banknote, with its own particularities.

In this scenario, HODL and MOVE are actually marrying in a consensual partnership which will be constantly evaluated and validated by the market. We will lose banknotes and gold standards (how this will happen is an entirely different story and I will probably need a series of articles just to draft the potential scenarios), but we will be gaining a primary layer, the Bitcoin (rooted in scarcity and governed by the HODL model, just like gold) and then, on top of it, a secondary layer, made of hundreds of different currencies that we can safely MOVE around, all of them proxied through Bitcoin.

For this to happen, though, we need a shift in mentality. One in which HODL will transition to MOVE.

We will have to let lose some of the tokens and contribute to the liquidity of the markets, otherwise they will dry out. We have to foster the courage to actually use what we have for goods and services.

In the Steemit ecosystem, for instance, that means we will have to focus more on MOVEing our liquid STEEM around in various projects, from curators guilds, up to mini-communities (hivemind, do you copy?).

We will have to let our HODL guard down.

And that will be very difficult, because the current establishment is ready to jump on this fragile structure and tear it apart.

I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.

Dragos Roua

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"we will have many distinct currencies, each with its own market cap and governance, "

I think this is where the POS currencies will excel. I believe crypto investors will be far more willing to spend their stacked interest on goods and services, while keeping their original investments safely tucked away.

People are still trading a lot, there are billions of dollars worth of Bitcoin traded each day, but your point is more than good! We need to move on from the old mindset of just hodling and start to actually use our crypto!

I agree, I think we do need to start using our coins. However, the reason that HODL is still such a strong strategy is the lack of people/companies to MOVE to. The main things I spend my money on are groceries, rent, and travel. Currently, I can't spend my Steem on any of those. Also, if I HODL my Steem then I have the added benefit of increased upvote value.

There are several people who believe bitcoin will start being sold when it reaches $100,000. At that point, many of the early investors will start trading bitcoin for real world things.

And, all of this selling will probably make bitcoin even more valuable.

So, to me, the best area to focus would be to create stores for cryptos.
Find anything you can afford and sell it online for cyrptos. This will help the MOVEing.

It should be 50/50.
HODL and Move is integral for the market but their balance is important too.

But Hodl is love in case anyone has FOMO ; )

It is really difficult, especially to remove this deeply rooted model of HODL for fear that tomorrow may be worth more.

the same thing that happened in December that the steem reached the moon.

There is already a certain market within the platform, people selling things using the currency.

It is only a matter of time to take that step called MOVE.

Very good post

The big problem with Bitcoin is that because it is used as a major investment for many people they HODL, and this leads to it not being used for what it is intended to be used for - as money! Because of the crazy swings people dont want to use it for transactions. The 'store of value' is the function of money that Bitcoin and other cryptos are lacking

I like your MOVE concept!

I agree that there needs to be some liquidity of Steem, movement is important as well as utilization.

Part of the problem is that Bitcoin is deflationary in nature. Because the supply is limited and the new Bitcoin being minted is decreasing, the value goes up. It's hard to get people to give away something in exchange for $10,000 in value if they think/know they can get $12,000 in value for it next month.

I've read articles that espouse having a set of coins that are related, one inflationary, and one deflationary. The deflationary coin would be used for saving and holding value as it would increase over time. The inflationary coin would be used for spending. The value would go down over time, so it would make more sense to spend it in exchange for goods.

I agree with what you're saying, I just want everyone else to be the ones who are selling right now. ;)

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