Brace Yourselves, The Winter Is Coming! Sorry, The Weekend Is Coming :)

in #bitcoin7 years ago

In crypto world, weekends are delicious. Well, they are delicious in any world, but the kind of deliciousness they have in the crypto universe is special.

Take last one, for instance. In what was, probably, the biggest pump and dump move in the crypto universe ever (MtGox and BTC-E left aside) Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin fought for almost 2 days. The result: $17 billions made and lost in less than 2 hours. If you don't know what this represent, well, it's Bosnia and Hertzegovina PIB for one year. Made and lost in less than 2 hours.

So, by looking at the charts on coinmarketcap, we can see signs that fun will be around again.

Bitcoin seems to plateau around $7800

Screen Shot 2017-11-17 at 9.22.43 AM.png

Way more interesting though is the volume increase on Bitcoin Cash:

Screen Shot 2017-11-17 at 9.22.28 AM.png

Only 10 years ago we will gather around the TV, grab some popcorn and watch a movie. That was what we called fun, those days.

I don't remember when this was changed, but it seems like now we're gathering around a laptop, grab some popcorn and watch a real-time battle between two cryptocurrencies in which wealth the size of a small nation is made and lost in under 2 hours.

The times, they are a-changin'.

The popcorn, fortunately, doesn't.

I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.

Dragos Roua

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People were talking blood on the streets for bitcoin. I almost think it was intentional for people to take advantage of the pump and dump of BCH, but I don't really know enough about it.

Bitcoin had over 100k stuck transactions for a while there though. That's pretty rough going for all those who had tried to move.

Yep, those transactions don't look good at all...

Not so scary as it is intriguing for sure... next year we will look back... nah we will be looking further ahead!

nah we will be looking further ahead!

that's the spirit :)

Very delicious. Very fast. Very surprising. The crypto world is like for the big boys in the deep side of the pool. It is like the stock market but bigger and better. Well, not bigger yet, but will be. I didn't know that happened. The ups and downs are scary but it is necessary.

it'll be interesting to watch it unfold

Yeap. Like a good action movie. Or a soccer game.

No volume increase, i think it is just ordinary people expecting the same as last weekend. This being said, i honestly hope there is no repetition of last weekend as i got rid of all my BCH and my heart is not in the best condition anymore...


Kettle corn is delicious. Why would you ever want to change that?

Bitcoin winning out means to me that people prefer age and strength vs speed and cost in bitcoin.

Day by day, our talent, creativity and high-mindedness are shown.
Allow me dear brother ....... To raise the hat respect and appreciation to you for what you bear the thought of yoke and insight into your next new.
My love and appreciation for you ..

haha not again :D

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