Fees in Ethereum increase due to congestion caused by entertainment applications

in #bitcoin6 years ago

The most popular decentralized applications (Dapps) of the Ethereum network continues to generate a setback in the speed and costs of the platform transactions. In the last 24 hours, Ethereum users have reported an increase in network commissions due to transaction congestion that has produced entertainment applications such as the famous CryptoKitties and 4chan games, Pepe Farm and Ether Shrimp Farm.

Ethereum blockchain statistics report that commissions have reached $ 0.2 for regular transactions and up to $ 15 for smart contracts, rates that have skyrocketed due to the congestion caused by the large volume of transactions that mobilize the main dapps of the network.

For example, the application DappRadar reported an unusual movement in the 4 games of memes that have been driven by the Chinese social network, 4chan, in the blockchain of Ethereum -standing among them the platforms Pepe Farm and Ether Shrimp Farm-, Dapps that calculated have made about 26,000 transactions in a single day.

Consistent with these data, the CryptoKitties project presented a volume of ethers of 47.45 transected units per day, a flow that confirms the enormous congestion of operations that the network is currently experiencing. As if that were not enough, the Ethereum account on Reddit also commented that the number of active addresses in the Ethereum network is greater than in the Bitcoin network since 5 days ago.

"For the first time, the number of active addresses in Ethereum is greater than the number of active addresses in Bitcoin for five consecutive days (almost 6)," the publication highlights. However, even though some Ethereum enthusiasts are celebrating these achievements, others are worried about the consequences this number of daily transactions could bring.

Users of the social network Reddit have discussed the current situation of Ethereum, questioning the possibility that the massive use of the network may end up being the cause of the collapse of it. The user little_homie made a publication stating the impact of decentralized games on Ethereum and highlighting that the second most important blockchain network on the market was "crammed with memes"

The publication received numerous responses, among which stand out the users who emphasize that there is a great possibility that Ethereum is not ready for large audiences, much less for the masses to adopt it. "If the second largest cryptocurrency CAN be destroyed by CryptoKitties and shrimp farms, then it is not ready for prime time and we have a long way to go before mass adoption," said user Savik519.

Likewise, Savik519 adds that -though many games are stupid- decentralized applications based on collectibles have taught Ethereum users and developers the weaknesses of the blockchain and will allow improvements, among which the need to focus on solutions stands out. of scalability.

Other users have expressed tougher comments with the network, such as StopAndDecrypt, which accused Ethereum of "not being anything other than an incubator of Initial Offers of Currency (ICO)" and of toys. On the other hand, some users took it with irony and ridicule, highlighting comments such as: "They are killing (the network) for using it AAAAAAAAAAAH. This should be labeled as comedy, "points of view that confirm how problematic the situation is within the user community.

The rare pepes are a symbol of the cryptongue. The game of this famous meme in the Ethereum network has been a controversial success. Source: 2ch.

This is not the first that the Ethereum network is congested because decentralized applications have mobilized significant volumes of transactions. For example, last year the Initial Offers of Currency were the great problem of Ethereum at the time of slowing down the network, a situation that occurred on two occasions with shocking consequences for the community.

Similarly, according to data from Dappradar, 70% of the decentralized applications found in the blockchain of Ethereum are specialized in collectible games, most of them being variations or parodies of CryptoKitties, the famous Ethereum kittens, a platform that in more than An opportunity has taken a large portion of the total transactions of the network.

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