Globalist Takeover Of The Internet Moves Into Overdrive

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

In today’s world, with statism and big government ideas pounded into most people via 12 years of government indoctrination camps and mainstream media glorifying government constantly, people have a hard time wondering what life would be like in a free world without massive communist style central planning agencies extorting the entire population.

Until now, though, there has been one shining example of anarchy. The internet.

Since the internet’s inception it has been the “Wild West”, and I mean that in a good way. It has been a self-policing, anarchic environment where you can do and say practically anything that technology permits.

If asked, your average person today would say they love the internet. What’s not to love? It’s practically free, offers anything and everything that is possible to be delivered electronically, is open 24/7/365 and has no real rules or regulations for usage aside from the rules created by private owners of websites and servers.

And, as such, it operates unbelievably well.

Someone will always say that we need some government to regulate it to “make sure” that bad things aren’t occurring on it. But, to date, with really no regulation, almost everyone’s experience with the anarchic internet has been wholly positive.

In fact, in my 25 years on the internet, I have yet to come across even one image or video of child pornography.

I’m sure it does exist somewhere. And usually, it is the FBI operating the sites where it exists, interestingly enough.

But, I’ve never come across it. And I’ve traipsed into some of the seedier pornographic corners of the internet in my younger days.

Yet, after 25 years of pure anarchy on the internet, government bureaurats are still trying to find some way or some need for which they can take control and regulate the internet to death.

And, with cryptocurrencies on the verge of upsetting the entire communist style central banking system, they are looking for any excuse to do so.

Theresa May used what looked to be two recent false flags to state, “Some people say that it is not for government to regulate when it comes to technology and the internet. We disagree.”

These attacks were used as evidence why according to Ms. May “We [the UK] need to work with allied democratic governments to reach international agreements to regulate cyberspace to prevent the spread of extremist and terrorist planning.”

As if regulating the entire internet would stop someone from driving over or stabbing a few people. We should point out that owning knives in the UK is already illegal. It turns out government laws don’t really do much to stop people from doing things.

And, Angela Merkel recently proclaimed that the digital world needs global rules stating that the internet needs regulations “like those that exist for financial markets in the G20 and for trade under the World Trade Organization.”

Merkel went on to spout the following as the reason why global government needs to control the internet, “Otherwise some provider could emerge ... that's an island, and from which things could be done, relevant to security, that could destroy an entire system..”

So, if we don’t have the government control the internet, “some provider” could emerge on an “island” and could “destroy an entire system.”

Nice story bruh. Why don’t you and your bureaurats just hop in that elevator over there and press F for f**k off. Or, V for verpiss dich, if you prefer, you nasty old kraut.

And, this week, Morgan Stanley proclaimed that regulators, which they control, need bitcoin’s “blockchain master keys.” Clearly, the buffoons at Morgan Stanley don’t realize the whole reason bitcoin is worth billions of dollars is BECAUSE Morgan Stanley cannot get access to its “master keys”!

Morgan Stanley further displayed their lack of understanding by stating, “It is not clear why cryptocurrencies are appreciating so rapidly.”

Oh really, Morgan Stanley? Is it unclear? It’s because we’ve had enough of you globalists and your communist style central banking system. Go hit F in the elevator with Merkel.

Killary Clinton even got in on the act stating that fake news on the internet is dangerous, saying something must be done to censor it because, “Lives are at risk.”

Yes, Killary, when you are involved, lives are always at risk. We’ve seen your body count. Stalin would be impressed.

And, famously, John Kerry stated “This little thing called the internet makes it much harder to govern.”

Lastly, who can forget, Jesuit trained self-proclaimed globalist Donald Trump who famously said, "We have to see Bill Gates and a lot of different people that really understand what's happening. We have to talk to them about, maybe in certain areas, closing that Internet up in some way."

With mainstream, or as we call it fakestream, media dying and people getting the majority of their information from truthful alternative sources, the globalists are trying to find some way to put the internet genie back in its bottle.

As we noted, last year, on the last day of the Jubilee, in the beginning of October, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN, was handed over to the UN by the US’s own Nobel Peace Prize winner, Barack O’Bomber.

And since, they keep trying to pass all manner of acronyms, like CSIPA, COPA, SOPA, and many others.

Except, they don’t want to “regulate” the internet to make it safer - it’s already as safe as can be. The internet has yet to kill or even bruise one person - excluding egos, of course, which get bruised all the time on social media.

They want to regulate the internet before it completely destroys the parasitic political class, central banking and the fascist multinational cabals that are protected and fostered by them.

And the British aren’t the only ones using murder and terror as a reason why the internet needs to be regulated.

In the aftermath of the most recent baseball game shooting in which Steve Scalise, the majority whip of the House of Representatives was stricken, one congressman seized the opportunity to use it for political purposes and called for a restriction of social media to prevent future such shootings.

“This political rhetoric and political discourse that has led to hate, has led to gunfire,” the congressman from Illinois said. “I never thought I’d go to baseball practice for charity and have to dodge bullets. This has got to stop and it has got to stop today […] We got to ratchet down the rhetoric that we’ve seen, not only in the social media but in the media, in the 24-hour news cycle.”

Of course that will never cease in the 24-hour mainstream propaganda cycle because part of the agenda is to stir the pot and keep the people fearful, angry and divided.

With these kinds of initiatives to limit social media and the internet things are looking down for the typical avenues such as Facebook, however luckily the free market has provided a solution as it always does called

Steemit is part of the cryptocurrency evolution. It’s a social media platform backed by the cryptocurrency Steem. All content is posted to the Steem blockchain meaning it cannot be censored.

Steemit is the market’s solution to social media censorship and it is even profitable for its users! Not only can you get paid for posting content, but you can also get paid solely for upvoting articles you enjoy! We post all of our content to Steemit first, even before we post to our own website as we want to ensure our content cannot be easily erased or deleted from the internet.

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Just look at who is in favor of regulating and controlling the internet. Theresa May, Angela Merkel, Morgan Stanley, Killary Clinton, John Kerry and Donald Trump. I wouldn’t leave that motley crew alone in my house for five minutes much less give them control of the internet!

And the most recent reason they need control of the internet is that it’ll stop politicians from getting shot at baseball games.

Why would anyone want to stop that?

In any case, they’ll keep trying to regulate and censor the internet and we’ll keep trying to decentralize and make the internet censorship free via cryptocurrencies and other technology.

Get on sites like, follow us there (@dollarvigilante) and take the time to understand why cryptocurrencies are so important also, profit from being ahead of the game, by checking out my free webinar.


Funny was just watching your Anarchast episode with the Steemit creators and here you are posting. You made me join the crypto world. Keep doing what you do!

Me too. I am a member...


@dollarvigilante Very Interesting read!
Thanks for sharing, I love reading your posts

Hahaaa thats Tamagotchi

hahaha mee too

I also agree and also am a member

I really like your post, and I think it covers the issues really well. I have friends that tell me to "sell your crypto before the government makes it illegal!"

I find it very difficult to explain why I'm don't think any 1 government can ever stop it.. and that it's likely there would be a new internet created, if they ever tried to turn off the old one.

Very good post, it's terrible what they are trying to do but we knew at some point this would happen. We just have to continue educating people. I think the newer generations are understanding this more.

i am interesting your post
thanks for sharing
before i no idea about internet
but right now i try to learn more about that
because i though it's important for present.

I have to say... for people who have made so many attempts to censor and control the internet, theyre remarkably ineffective.

Give me that amount of power, and Im sure I could come up with a solution for controlling the internet. Maybe a combination of hired hackers and getting my hands on those 4-5 people who hold the fragments of the keys to the DNS service. Also every OS would come with the basic http protocol replaced by an upgraded version relaying all info to a central or distributed database.

I can come up with ideas all day, though not all will/would work.

your like next level shit :)

thats a compliment by the way lol

Hear, hear. I'm getting tired of working my butt off to pay the credit cards, and the government. They bring little value to my life. Looking for alternatives!

And the most recent reason they need control of the internet is that it’ll stop politicians from getting shot at baseball games.
Why would anyone want to stop that?

It's a great article as usual but this kind of rethoric really has to stop. Killing people is never morally justified even with the politicians. This was not a self defense position just straight up murder.

Please don't say such ,excuse me for being rude, stupid things with your reach.
Voluntarism stands for peacful cooperation (separation if we can't agree) and not for I wish my enemies to be shot.

If this wasn't your intention I'll gladly apologize. If this was your intention I hope you can rephrase your sentence next time to a more NAP friendly wording.

Much love from Germany

Anyway we can speed up the dollar demise and get rid of the corrupt politicians is a good thing. Dollar Vigilante keep up the great work of educating the people about crypto currencies and how it can help them to break free of the chains that have them enslaved.

By the looks of it, the people using cryptos may very well come on the list of the so-called "extremists" to take care of!?! I really wonder how the masses will react to double standards relating to the use of the internet and the powers it confers...

Thanks for the news and the rant, it is liberating! ;) Namaste :)

i don't think the powers that be have enough time or resources left to do anything like this "extremist" labelling of crypto users. if they tried it would blow up in their face, like most of the false flags and fake news is presently. while certain groups still wanting domination of our financial freedom may have been paying attention to cryptos all this time, the vast majority of those involved seem to be so proudly dependant on their debt-based wealth that they've long missed any opportunity to manipulate cryptocurrency in their favor. as a whole, crypto will continue to move in the direction that humanity wants it to, not the 1%.

I also believe the cryptocurrencies will keep on moving our way. Yet, the information mongers have also started many attempts to slow down their potential, if not simply wanting to stop it all together.

I wouldn't be surprise to see it happen under some sort of label using terms like "terrorists coup"... We shall see!

May the force stay with us. Namaste :)

I think this is important sentiment.

Too bad technology will skirt every type of regulation pointed at it.

preach it

i agre with you dear same here

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