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RE: Prices are about to drop like a rock

in #bitcoin6 years ago

I am not so convinced the USA can bring the price down, there are far too many countries embracing cryptos, and the road into most of them is via btc, so no matter what they do, it is a losing battle.


Oh our government is only good at 1 thing and that is fucking stuff up. Between this and the stuff that just happened over in India the other day that caused a substantial drop across all crypto markets. Gonna be rough waters for a little while, but we just have to ride out the storm.

That goes for all governments, there is not another single institution in the world that is so ineffective and laborious as government, I can make a staircase as you can for $100, they would make the same one for $1500 due to the administrative bs they go through to get it made, and they would take 6 months longer to bloody build it.

Preach on. There was a guy here that built a handicap ramp at a place with his own money, the government then came in and tore it down, after much public outcry they rebuilt it and it cost almost 100,000 tax payer dollars to rebuild it if memory serves me right. Ridiculous !

I read about some steps in a park once, the government were thinking of building, only around 10 steps or so, so some guy got fed up of waiting and built them for not a lot at $550, of course the government ripped them out, and fitted some for $65,000.00 instead, yes truly ridiculous.

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