Bitcoin is a Trojan Horse but I'm All In

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Cryptos Are The New World Currency

I learnt about Bitcoin later than I would have liked but still earlier than most. I remember a friend told me about Bitcoin in 2013 and ignorantly did not take it on myself to look into it. It was at the start of 2016 that I bought my first bitcoins when the dollar value was $400. I studied blockchain technology and started studying coding which I found easy to understand but very difficult to use due to my dyslexia. There is no automatic spellchecking in the coding language and I soon realised that I would never be an efficient coder.


However the whole concept fascinated me and I knew right away that blockchain technology was the future. I have spent the last two years studying and trading the developing crypto market. Later in 2016 I sold my pickup and put it all into Bitcoin and Ethereum. Now the topic here is not brag about my investing skills but to dig deep into what is going on, where the blockchain tech came from, what it can do for society and where it is taking us.

To start off I would like to state that I love the idea of Bitcoin and Blockchain technology, I believe it is a very clever idea and the people behind it are obviously geniuses. However I have a problem with it. Let me explain my issue with Bitcoin in an analogy. If I have a terminal disease and I am offered a cure I would be elated and love the people that created it. But If I then find out that the people that gave me the cure also created the disease then I’m angry, but I still take the cure.

When I sat down to write this article I thought it would be a breeze. There are so many ways I can explain how the architects of the fractional reserve banking system not only unleashed Bitcoin into the world but also have methods to contain their creation. But to explain most of these methods I will have to explain some things that go down the conspiracy road and the whole topic becomes very convoluted to explain to a reader that may not have studied the nature of the deep state. Explaining my case is not the hard part, its the scope of the writing that is an issue.

So I have come back to the top to rewrite this article in a different way. I will outline my view on Bitcoin in the beginning and then break the rest of this article up into two sections, each with their own case and I hope that I can reach out in this article to the reader with no background knowledge of the deep state. I will then do follow up chapters to focus on the background of each case.

Before die hard crypto fans get angry with this take on the the blockchain tech I would like to point out that I do believe that Bitcoin and the Blockchain are the future. The whole point of this article is to highlight that this is not going to be a quick revolution where we move to a decentralised world of freedom. This is a new frontier in an old war and those with the skills to fight this war, the coders, will have to step up and come up with even more genius solutions.

So we are lead to believe that Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin around the time of the last credit crisis. Now first of all what a brilliant way to make a lot of money. Introduce a new high tech currency for the public to adopt while keeping hold of a large percentage of the first coins that were mined when the difficulty rate was low. Secondly, we do not know who this person is or if it is a single person at all.

Cryptography has been around for thousands of years and its use in war time is well known. This is not what I am talking about here. It is the invention and use of public and privet keys, hashing, and the blockchain technology that has brought us to Bitcoin. We know that IBM, NIST and the NSA have been working on this technology since the 70s. We know that the NSA and MIT have been working on Crypto Currencies and public keys since the 90’s. Take a look at this MIT article dated 1996, How to make a Mint. It basically outlines crypto currencies and Bitcoin. It is on the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory website archive.

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This article outlines many of the terms and features we are familiar with today, Hashing, Public Keys, Wallets, Watch only Wallets, Traceability, Anonymity, Multiple Spending Prevention and small hand-held computer devices i.e smart phones. So this brings up many questions, what did the NSA do with this research? Why did they not bring it into use? Did they create Bitcoin? Is this article planted for some reason for us to find? Did someone in their ranks or an MIT student/professor steal the idea and start Bitcoin anonymously? Is this a coincident?

I guess if we only look at this article then these questions just remain unanswered and an interesting moot point. But if we put this together with whats going on in the world, a highly indebted financial system that is unsustainable, then it is not too farfetched to conclude that whoever is behind the Satoshi Nakamoto alias launched Bitcoin at the right time for Bitcoin to benefit and take over from a failing fiat fractional reserve monitory system.

So the question is, was it given to set us free or to enslave us in a new system? and if it was to enslave us what are we missing because a decentralised blockchain monetary system sounds perfect and ungovernable. This is the topic of this article but before I go into this lets look at what is taking place in the Crypto markets.

Bitcoin has already gone global and is spreading like wild fire. We have thousands of alternative coins and tokens that represent alternative currencies and business ventures. The crypto market at this point is being driven by speculation from private and institutional investors. There are over 50 hedge funds dedicated to crypto currencies.

Going forwards the crypto market will be moving into adoption phase as real business start running on the blockchain. I fully expect this market to continue to grow exponentially but what happens when the next credit crisis comes. Bitcoin is the go to crypto for new money. If Bitcoin eats up a small percentage of the forex market it could easily reach $100,000 per coin. What if there was a hyperinflation event and a proportion of the derivative, bond and equity markets moves into Bitcoin? Bitcoin and the top Alt coins would be worth astronomical values, no longer in dollars but in terms of what you could buy with them directly.

If there is nothing that the central banks can do then we have won and wasn’t that easy. But I want to look at the alternative in more detail. What if Bitcoin is a trojan horse, a stepping stone to a new cashless totally controlled financial system. I will start with the easiest theory to swallow and then a deeper conspiracy based theory.

The Globalisation Theory

It is a fact that multinational corporations are taking over every type of business and service we use. There is a big push to bring us all online through companies like Amazon that don’t even turn over a profit. What if this is all part of the plan and the people at the top of these organisations are in collusion with the Central Banks. They know the current fractional reserve banking system has run its course and they have perfectly timed the introduction of a new system.

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Blockchain adoption is in fill swing, multinationals are spending billions on blockchain infrastructure and hiring thousands of coders, especially in finance. They want a cashless system that they can control and monitor. All assets, services, commodities would be tokenised and traded through exchanges and smart contracts.

For a rough example: I am a prospector, I find a silver seam worth 1 billion Oz. My company wishes to mine this seam and rather than the old way of going to the bank for a loan my company launches an ICO. 1 token is equal to 1 Oz of silver and sold at spot price. The company offers 1,000,000 tokens in the ICO and raises the capital to set up the mining operation. The first 1,000,000 Oz of mined silver are sent to the manufactures that bought the ICO tokens. The rest of the silver can be tokenised and traded at spot price as it is mined. In this example the figures are made up and the idea is that there is a safe proportion of prospected silver that can be tokenised to fund the mining operation without falling short on investor obligation.

Another example: Instead of a paper registration document for my car it is tokenised including insurance, warranty and MOT. When I sell my car it is simply done with a smart contract phone to phone and the buyer drives away. Food, shipment tracking, stock inventory, fuel, IDs, everything tokenised and traded through smart contracts online.

Do you see the problem. Unless we the decentralised community set up our own network then we have to use the one that will be set up by the globalists. Sure I can sell you an un-tokenised asset using Monero and nobody needs to know about it but there is a limit to what you can do. If you want to start a business and buy a commodity, a component, you have to deal with the globalists on their system. If you want to set up an online shop you have to do it through official exchanges.

You may say ‘well I won’t do that, I will set up my own system or join decentralised systems that are up and running'. But most people won’t do that, most people will be happy with the efficiency and security of the official system. And down the line you can be sure that it will be made illegal to use any unofficial system and you will be categorised as a terrorist and your ID and access to the official system frozen.

How I see this theory playing out is Bitcoin will go to crazy values along with a lot of Alt coins. When citizens are hurting so much from the coming depression and collapse of the fractional reserve system the globalists and central banks will launch their own digital currencies and give it out to all citizens and governments. If you hold Crypto currencies you will be able to exchange them to the new central bank issued crypto curriencies. Business running on cryptos will have to integrate to be legal. Gold and silver will be tokenised. And Satoshi will be the richest anonymous person in the world.

I believe that all this FUD coming from the governments and bankers banning ICOs and Bitcoin is just them pointing their finger at themselves so that we don’t think it is them in control. I fully expect all the bans to be lifted soon and Bitcoin to rocket with institutional money and countries to issue their own crypto currencies.

Breakaway Civilisation Theory

This one is a little ‘out there’ but I will reel it in a bit to keep it in the context of this article. If you have never heard of the idea of breakaway civilisations let me simplify the idea and give it some creditability.

It is simply when a government or group within a government holds back technology from other governments and the public to the extent that the difference in development in and out of this circle is, shale we say, significant.

Manufactures like Lockheed Skunk Works make spy aircraft for the CIA. We hear about some of these aircraft but it is an advantage if your enemy does not know what technology you have so all the best tech is kept secret in Black Projects. It makes sense that the ones that are presented to the public are either obsolete or a cover for much more advanced models. If you keep secrets from your enemy you of course keep the secrets from everyone.

If you are in control of the Black projects you watch Presidents come and go and so times come when you have to bring a new president up to speed. If the black projects of the last presidency were questionable but you don’t want to shut them down then maybe you don’t risk telling the new president.

So we are not talking just about airplanes here, black projects would cover all kinds of technology, so why would you not develop computers. Of course you would. It would be a huge advantage to have superior computing technology than your adversaries.

The question now is since they have been running black projects for 100 years, how far advanced are they compared to the public domain. 10 years? 20? 30?

Is it not possible that they already have quantum computers. While we are happy with a revolutionary jump in smart phones from phones with borders to a new generation of phone that has a borderless display.

If Satoshi has a quantum computer then all our cleaver cryptography, Privet Keys, Transactions, Hashing, is obsolete. If they have quantum already then they are not loosing much from giving us the power of decentralised blockchain tech. In fact they have a huge advantage, especially if they continue to keep their quantum prowess secret and use it for monitoring everything.

It makes me wonder if the take down of the silk road was all a show to produce a well directed narrative that mind controls the public to believe that it was difficult to catch Ross Ulbricht. How many people new to Bitcoin watched documentaries on the take down of the silk road and came away impressed with the power of Bitcoins anonymity.

Ill stop there before I get too carried away. So my point is if we do not consider this Trojan horse concept carefully we could easily be outcasted by a globalist machine that the majority of humanity will join. If we underestimate the technical advantage of the deep state we could be moving forward with a false sense of security. But Buy Bitcoin.


The trojan horse theory is certainly plausible.
Russia will be coming out with their state sponsored crypto currency soon and I believe they intend to back it with gold for stability.

Coin Marketplace

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TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 61779.77
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.62