The ICONOMI Platform Explained & it's Initial Coin Offering (ICO)

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

In this article I am going to describe to you exactly what it is that ICONOMI offers and in layman's terms, how ICONOMI works, and how truly ground breaking ICONOMI will be, and after already raising $6 million dollars, it is in good shape to deliver on it's promises.

With only 2 days left before the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) period ends, I highly recommend reading on to find out why ICONOMI is the Decentralised Stock Market of the future, and how this platform will shape the way in which people will be investing in the years to come.


ICO Website:

There are many investment platforms that one can use to invest, most notably, the FTSE 500 or the NYSE to name a few. For decades, people have used these platforms to invest in what they believe is a great stock that is undervalued. But, with these stocks, par a few big players, these stock markets do not really grow one's wealth in a short period of time.

You can expect to make maybe 10-50% over the course of a a few years in the traditional stock markets, maybe more, maybe less. If you do not keep yourself aware of the stock market and have your stocks just sitting there as a long term investment, how would you know when the right time to sell is? Boom and Busts are 'normal' behavior of the stock market, unless you are a day trader or you really know what you are doing, you will not make a lot back on your initial investment, it could grow over time or it could devalue over time, and then when a crash hits, any of those gains you managed to make are gone.


Because you didn't see the crash coming! And you did not have any knowledge of what the stock market was doing.

This is why Stock Market Crashes wipe peoples' wealth out, because they are not informed of what is happening in the space and do not know when the best time to buy/sell is, generally speaking for a lot of investors in the stock market.

My point is that people put their hard earned money into stocks that don't really perform all that well, in a system that is essentially high risk and where most investors do not really track the performance of the stocks that they own, which adds even more risk! It is a balancing act that requires good klnowlegde of how the market operates and when to take your profits from your investments.

Well, this is all about to change, enter ICONOMI.

It took me a little while to get my head around the concept of what ICONOMI is and what it actually offers, but after spending some time reading about it, speaking with the dev's and doing some deeper thinking about it, I realised that this is capatilising on a new and exciting trend, Crypto. What ICONOMI will be offering to investors will akin to what the current Stock Market offers, but in a market that has the potential to give investors much higher returns on their investments than in the tradaitional markets, and with much lower risk that comes with just picking a good looking stock in the stock market.

You can think of ICONOMI as a platform such as that of the stock market, in a sense, but instead of stocks of companies where Angel Investors have already taken most of the profit of a new company's growth before it even enters the stock market, and offered to the public, ICONOMI offers the chance for anybody to enter this space at the ground floor of where new and exciting companies are being born every day, which can give back to the investor very high returns indeed.

Now you're probably thinking that crypto currencies are high risk, right? Well you are not wrong, a lot of the crypto currencies out there are very very high risk and offer nothing new and some are as they are as they called, Pump & Dump schemes.

However, there are also a lot of crypto-currencies out there that offer something new and useful and will give investors handsome returns.

Again, you're probably thinking "but why would I invest into these crypto-currenies if they are such high risk, and I haven't really got a clue how to tell the genuine ones from the not so genuine ones!?"

This is where ICONOMI comes into it's own.

ICONOMI's model is structured where they have their own investors otherwise known as 'Mentors', who have proven their track-record and their worth when investing in this space, who invest on your behalf.

These investors will have been screened by the ICONOMI team for proof of past performance and for their actual real ability to make winning trades in this space.

In addition to this screening, each Investor will have their track record in ICONOMI publicized in order for potential Mentors on the ICONOMI platform, like you and me, to be able to see with our own eyes how their current investments are doing and see feedback from the ICONOMI investors they have been investing for.

This is what one of the ICONOMI devs said about the screening process;

"For the very first Fund managers we'll start with a small controlled group of people, observe and learn from them. Once we're beyond that point we'll know more of what screening or what other techniques are needed in order to prevent abuses. For example, there might be a rule that certain % of managed fund must be invested by Fund manager itself in order to decrease manipulation chances".

This turns that risk we were talking about into much less risk, and making your investment more solid giving you a higher chance of success as a specialist is in charge of steering your funds into the right trades, buying and selling at the right times to maximise your profits,and not just leaving your investment long term going up and down.

"So how will ICONOMI attract talented Mentors to the platform to trade on my behalf with my money" you may be thinking?

Well these Mentors will be taking a small percentage of all of the ICONOMI Investors' profits from those they have invested for as a fee, so there is a strong incentive to make the most for the ICONOMI investors, and to take as little risk as possible in order to protect their reputation, a good reputation will attract more investors, thus giving more profits. I mean you will not let a Mentorwith a string of losses look after your investment!

In fact, I am sure that Mentors who do not meet a certain profit margin will prevented from trading for ICONOMI Investors, after all, ICONOMI want to give the best experience for their customers as they can, and this can only happen by ensuring that the best Mentors are investing and trading with investors' money.

With an attractive ROI for talented investors/traders, ICONOMI will attract many high quality mentors to the platform.

Are you beginning to see how this is all beginning to make sense? No?

Okay, basically ICONOMI is the first platform to cater for investors who are new to the Crypto world, for people who want to see an nice return on their investment but know nothing about trading or about crypto-currencies, but here's the thing, they don't have to! They just invest the money into ICONOMI and the ICONOMI Investors/traders do the rest.

It's that simple. Beautiful isn't it?

On top of this, ICONOMI investors will have the use of a ICONOMI Debit Card, for which they will be soon partnering with Visa that will be linked directly to their ICONOMI holdings, and can be used anywhere in the world to buy anything. This is truly groundbreaking in the crypto world. Just think about that for a second. . .

Amazing Right!?

This is what one of the ICONOMI tream had to say about this;

"Debit card will be done in cooperation with Visa. All your assets parked at ICONOMI will be 24/7 instantly available via that card (besides selling assets on website).

As an example: let's say you own certain amount of ICONOMI.index fund and you wanna book your flight ticket. You simple pay with ICONOMI card and for the amount requested we'll sell proportionate amount of your invested fund. Simple, straightforward, real time and available 24/7. Additionally there will be iPhone/Android app in which you will be able to monitor your spendings, set your limits etc. Kind of like Number26 if you know them.

ICONOMI is the Investment platform of the future in a marketplace that is growing exponentially, unlike the old traditional systems that will be looked upon as dinosaurs in comparison to what ICONOMI will bring to its users."

I hope you found it informative and that it has given you some insight into what ICONOMI is trying to achieve.

To participate in the ICONOMI ICO, just click on the following link;

Account deanhodgson1980 Post# 400


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