Howdy yall

in #bitcoin7 years ago

I come from the land of Reddit. :waves:

I've been a reddit user for 12 years now and have become somewhat annoyed with how they run their algorithms.

I was a founding member of most of the subreddits because, well when I started there was only /r/

But Ive had enough of reddit and I assume most you have too. So here I am.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself.

I was born and raised in Austin TX to two very liberal parents. One a database engineer and the other a middle school teacher.
I was born a twin, premature and the doctors assumed I wouldnt live. Well here I am. Unfortunately my twin brother passed away recently. He too became a teacher like my mom. I dont like to speak on that subject much and honestly hope this is all a coma dream.

I became interested in rock climbing and computers. I became a cook and climbed and did reddit community building for fun. I love to cook and am actually trying out a keto diet right now and am actually loving it.

I became involved in the crypto scene thanks to rock climber. There was one guy that always spoke about "The Silk Road" and how it would change the world and make it a safer place. He offered to sell my bitcoins for 10 cents a piece, but unfortunately I was too broke at the time to take him up on his offer. He ended up telling me to download a wallet and send him my address and he would hook me up with some anyways. I did this and then went on with my life.

Unfortunately me and that guy split ways after I injured myself at work and couldnt climb for a long time.
Well after a year or two I hear everyone talking about bitcoins and how the FBI just arrested the head of "The Silk Road".

The shock on my face when I finally saw the guy that I had been climbing with and enjoying learning from was THE DREAD PIRATE ROBERTS. Very nice guy and what became of his case is absolutely heartbreaking. I urge you to check out his case and sentencing if you are unaware or maybe I can post about it another time.

So I continued to go on with my life, cooking and computering for hobby and started helping the Reddcoin community and gave away at least 10 million reddcoin. Then my twin brother died and I basically forgot all about cryptocurrencies until the ETH boom. So I started looking into finding my wallet again, I have tried and tried and tried and cannot seem to locate which harddrive it might be on. Who knows how many bitcoin are on there. Maybe zero. Maybe a lot.

So here I sit seeing the price go up and up and up and knowing I have not a cent to buy them with.

To be honest I told everyone about it in 2011, 2012,2013 and no one cared. I told them about it at my brothers funeral and no one cared. So I forgot about it until late 2016. So now again I was telling everyone to buy some bitcoins you will want them, trust me. But again, no one cared and I couldnt borrow any money to buy myself.

I would give up my harddrive and my computer and any possible money in the future to have my brother back. I would do the same to see Ross free again.

I just sit here and consult the new people joining the crypto train about where to go, it's history and why it exists.

Oh right, that was my introduction? Ha, now you can see I ramble quite often and am possibly very troubled.

I hope you all enjoy trading or buying with cryptocurrencies.

I think it is funny that something like Reddcoin, one of the first mass adopted cryptocurrencies on exchanges ends up being worth less than Bitbean now a days.

Anyways, I guess that's my introduction. Hopefully I will get my coins one day. But if not at least I am breathing and free.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 57956.22
ETH 3126.99
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.45