Tomorrow looks awesome, so let us BUY BUY BUY.

in #bitcoin6 years ago

**When the price of Bitcoin reaches a certain point, those who are enthusiastic about it's future potential will start to buy more than is being sold by those who have lost faith in it, due to fear of failure. Oh my gosh, today I see a market in equilibrium, with those buying balancing perfectly with those selling. The slightest news good or bad could cause the market to rise or fall from here, the thing is though, I believe it leaning now towards more people buying more Bitcoins than is being sold.

I have been buying through the dips all year, and have been surprised by the falls outweighing the gains, all year. Who would have thought at the beginning of this year, that we would see prices this low in December? Well the best thing is that we have all been able to buy more and more BTC, as the price has been dropping. I personally have 5 times more BTC than I held a year ago, and have been so delighted at being able to buy again at prices I never thought I could ever see again.

Now the institutional investors have had the chance to stock up to reasonable large sized portfolio's, they can start to share the good news about BTC to the mainstream media. 2019 we will see a consistent growth in Bitcoin price as more and more positive stories are shared in the media. For Bitcoin to grow, it takes fiat currency to begin to fall, and this is overdue, as debt and reserve banks are completely overwhelmed by bubbles in all asset classes. bitcoin2.jpg

If you have a favourite shitcoin you are waiting to grow in price, make sure you have a lot more invested into Bitcoin, cause without Bitcoin rising, none of these shitcoins will be rising either. My own portfolio is 75% BTC and 10%STEEM, with a spread in ETH, LTC, DASH and OMG.

What is your favourite coin to buy this week with prices at the ultimate low point for 2018? I am buying a little more BTC today and tomorrow, and expect that prices will rise during next week, and keep rising from this point forward.
I expect BTC will be above $75000 at this time next year, and around $125000 by the time of the next halving in mid 2020.

Please comment - follow and VOTE.**



Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63277.26
ETH 2570.12
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.82