Cryptocurrencies are financial and life lessons, learn the lessons--> You have the first movers advantage, why sell your position.....

in #bitcoin6 years ago

There is a lot of noise, hype and uncertainty especially when prices are heading down, sometimes you have to zoom out. If you are struggling to cope with the volatility of cryptocurrency sometimes the trick is just to step away completely screen. Riding these waves aren't easy and the skills needed to be efficient are lessons that take time to learn. Don't make the mistake of many, sometimes you have to take the contrarian view on things. Here are some tips

  1. Close off the Telegram Chat--> Most of the people there don't have a position while others are selling their bags
  2. Close off the Discord Chat--> Similar sentiments
  3. Set targets and be realistic--> Coin economics has to make sense: demand vs supply, products/ services available
  4. When a name you like drops in prices, its quite simple, YOU BUY IT--> If you waiting for the salesmen you are already lost, take the initiative and look for a bargain
  5. Be weary of the twitter experts

This market has never seen so much fundamental upside, in fact, several of the cryptocurrency projects now have a working product. Contrary to popular beliefs, most government aren't planning on banning it most are looking at ways of maximizing the financial success that comes with it.

We have to realize that the uncertainty we feel right now is similar to the uncertainty many countries face with international trade and commerce given the unilateral stance some of the most powerful economies are taking on trade. I personally don't regard myself as any guru but I know with a level of certainty if the USA continues on this nationalist drive, soon the US dollar status as the global reserve would come into question. Trump-economics may work for the US short-term but if its continues, its a matter of time before other world leaders decide we had enough, good and services need to be quoted in something, oil needs to be quoted in something, definitely won't be the US dollar. What I know for sure, this Bitcoin experiment has proven that this monetary system works, it may not be Bitcoin but surely would be something very similar to it. China is in the race, hot on the tracks of the USA, its President speech hasn't been targeted to its local but global. The enthusiasm around Blockchain would be cultivated as they try to win the hearts of the young people worldwide. The EU continues to struggle as monetary policy try to hold varying economies together, from Greece to Italy, the uncertainty continues to grow. I am not saying Bitcoin or cryptocurrency would be the solution but for the first time we have an alternative.

Lots of smaller countries has smelled the coffee brewing in cryptocurrencies and have embrace with open hands, I continued to be impressed with Malta and Bermuda. Many more are on their way as the reality of unprecedented debt sets in, you have the first movers advantage, why sell your position now?

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63294.77
ETH 2638.69
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.70