The Devls advocate in the Crypto world.
If there are 20 ways to transfer bitcoin and the government makes 1 way legal the other 19 become illegal. I was just having a discussion in a group on facebook about this because people dont know in washington state where i live they did make it legal and now no exchanges want to pay the fees so i cant use any of them.
There are a lot of people in the crypto space that scream bitcoin. For the ones that have all their eggs in this basket. I question your logic and sanity. This is not directed towards everyone that just has some in their portfolio as a speculative "asset?" It is also not against bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency in general. I am not religious. I do not think it is the mark of the beast. I just think there are some realities that are really a huge factor.
I am not a fan of the government or the politicians in office because I believe they are taking advantage of their positions and that simply using a different currency then the one they use will not make theirs obsolete. Laws have been set into place that make it real easy for banks to keep control and keep the majority of people in line. I am just going to redirect you to an article that was written two years ago. This was happening two years ago there are more articles and bills that have came out recently like the one I mention in Washington state where they made bitcoin "legal" they started this years ago when they caught on btc could be popular and business started using it.
Anywoot don't let greed and a chance to be rich put you in prison. Just about everybody in prison is in there because of that. If you hate the government and want to fight the good fight. Do it from the outside. Before anyone comes at me with Fear uncertainty and Doubt save it. I know this is Fear Uncertainty and Doubt. Fear is a basic instinct that 9/10 times saves your ass.
Break bad laws without moral concern, but use wisdom to avoid the quislings and weasels.
If sleep were illegal outlaws would get good sleep.