Greyscale is a digital currencey investment firm where investors can buy shares that are backed by bitcoin but they dont have to hold the private keys, it trades under the symbol GBTC: To understand why this is significant we need to go back in time!
Above is the origional rothchild family from back in the early 1800s
And here are there decedents today
In 1815 Nathan Rothschild made a huge sum of money on the stock exchange using cloak and dagger tactics after the battle of waterloo!
It is safe to say that the rothschilds are still the wealthiest family on the planet with there net worth being in the hundreds of trillions!
If this one family alone decided to invest just 1% of there net worth into BTC, its safe to say that John Mcafee will have more than covered his wager!
You can't argue that the best way to win is to bet on both sides.
The Rothschild patriarch (Meyer Rothschild) sent each of his five sons to a prominent European commercial centre in order to found branches of the family banking empire;
Take the story of Nathan Rothschild of Britain made a huge sum of money on the stocks after the battle of Waterloo. If Napoleon won that battle , it would be his brother James Mayer de Rothschild in France who would be hailed the financial genus
Thanks for sharing! Resteemed and upvoted!
@cuttie1979 Thanks again :)
You can't argue that the best way to win is to bet on both sides.
The Rothschild patriarch (Meyer Rothschild) sent each of his five sons to a prominent European commercial centre in order to found branches of the family banking empire;
Take the story of Nathan Rothschild of Britain made a huge sum of money on the stocks after the battle of Waterloo. If Napoleon won that battle , it would be his brother James Mayer de Rothschild in France who would be hailed the financial genus
If the Germans won WWI, the Austrian branch of Rothschild bank would probably become bigger than the British branch
@rjona1 Nope cant argue! :)
hehe, and Hitler would be making paintings for them
This is what i also expect in the next few years because of steem!
@misrori Fingers crossed :)
Evelyn is a guy name? So who is the God Father among the current ones? Jacob?
Enjoyed your post as usual, resteeming as always.
@deserttree He may be super rich but i doubt he escaped the school ground bullies with, what sounds to most as a girls name lol :P :)
Enjoyed, upvoted, resteemed. Thank you.
😁 @geekgirl
Mr.Daniel your post is grate. I am new to this post will follow.thanks.
Upvoted and resteemed!
Thank you @goldcoin :)
Upvoted and resteemed - great post Daniel!
Thank you @icedrum followed :)
Right back at ya' Daniel! :D
Upvoted and resteemed..
@djmalith Thank you :)
500 trillion and I've never heard of this !
@trendo i know its staggering! :)
Great post Daniel! Upvoted and resteemed :)
Thanks again @rtdcs :))