Backed by bitcoin! Zimbabwe's women farmers are helped with bitcoin! AWESOME!!

in #bitcoin8 years ago

The Zimbabwe based company Bitmari has launched a women farmers accelerator program called neBitmari to help pay for materials and equipment for 100 women farmers!

It is the first ever bitcoin accelerator program for female farmers in Africa!

The company aims to boost farming and educate women on the use of Bitcoin as an alternative payment method.

Why don't we try to do the same with Steemit?
Help people all over the world to discover Steemit, how to use it, how to be paid for blogging and/or help them with financing their little projects!!!??

More than 80% of people all over the world live with less than 2$ per day...

Please follow me and resteem this post if you liked it!

And feel free to contact me if you have any idea like this one to develop😀

Cheers, @damien-beverly


Oh yeah for sure and you can imagine how it is more cool for this people! Resteem my post and follow me and...: "happy new year to you!" Cheers

I suggest you reach out to @bitcoinmeister (aka Adam Meister). He recently returned from a trip to several African cities where he helped to raise bitcoin awareness. Maybe you could convince him to do likewise in Africa for @steemit?

Cool thank you! Don't hesitate to show him my profile also! Thanks for the tip🤘🏻🤘🏻

At the very least, I'm sure @bitcoinmeister would provide a good perspective on the viability of your idea.

Followed 😜 Thank you

Hello great post it surely gives an insight on the Zimbabwean situation !!!!! I am a Zimbabwean and have found this platform appealing in showcasing the life struggles and opportunities in Zimbabwe (cryptocurrency) which can turn around peoples liives.I have made an initiative on P.A.LDiscord to create a Zimbabwe chat room where we mix ,share ideas and support each other .If you are interested feel free to check it out on the link below.Thank you once again
JOIN- #africa-zimbabwe channel -


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