Facebook and Youtube are to `HELP` CNN and other MSM!

in #bitcoin6 years ago


As the slide to non-existance continues for MainStream Media (BBC, CNN, ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5, MSNBC, CNBC, Financial Times, USA Today, The Washington Post, The New York Times etc. etc. etc.) more and more people are tuning-out/ switching off/ not buying/ not paying attention/ sending them to Coventry due to:

  • Lies
  • Manipulation Of Truth
  • Fake News
  • Covering-Up Of Truth
  • Self-Interest
  • Self-Preservation
  • Lack Of Competition (as six (6) companies own more than eighty percent (80%) of global media companies) which
    means it is a Global Monopoly
  • Their cosey ties and connections to Governments and others in powerful positions (Authority and Non-Authority)
  • Bias (even though publicaly funded services even state in their own Ts and Cs that they are not to be)
  • Smearing individuals and groups (in order to ruin their reputations and credibility)

..... Basically, they have been abusing their position of powerand control far too much and for far too long!


For example - The BBC`s (British Broadcasting Corporation - UK) now has an average viewing age of people that are sixty (60).


As you probably know already, Social Media (Facebook, Twitter etc.) and others giants like YouTube have been attacking and shadow banning those that are right of centre of the political spectrum (Conservatives, Republicans and Classical Liberals). Just like me (I am an anarcho-capitalist), human history has shown that it is by far the best system for the prosperity and flourish of the entire human race. Fb, Twitter and YouTube are trying to silence and shut down free speech, the free-flow of opinions and ideas..... and therefore innovation and ingenuity disappear too. Governments have been putting recent pressure on these platforms (UK, EU) to kerb hate speech..... I am unsure why GOVs refer to free-speech as hate speech (by the way, I am acting dumb with that)! They are losing their control (GOVs are) and will do anything to try and get it back (from their citizens). Recently, I have been labelled a racist, white supremacist, xenophobe, homophobe, sexist and fascist by certain members of society! These individuals and groups never want to have a discussion with me or many, many others (on certain subjects) they just attack/ go on the offensive with their intelligence (lack there of)..... so I just like to do my bit to help them achieve their personal goals and help to allow them to become famous..... I just retweet/ share their ridiculousness! Many say... fight fire with fire! My philosophy is..... fight fire with a fire extinguisher! These dummies soon get bored and go away as I am not playing their game..... I play my game with my rules!!! They can do as they please. Some of them are trolls and some of them are just dumb! Sometimes it can be hard/ impossible to see the difference these days.

..... Anyway...


Facebook has now committed $US 90 Million to help CNN (Clinton Crime Network) to bring a feed on FB to reach more of an audience (on Social Media). Anderson Cooper will be it`s host!


YouTube have announced that they will help MSM to feature in their own search engine results so that YT users can find their content easier...... and..... help MSM to adapt/ embrace tech that people now prefer to use.


My problem? - It is that this will hurt Independant Journalism further (for the near future), maybe hand more control and power back to MSM (and GOVs) and take (steal) more freedoms and liberties away from humanity like we have seen/ noticed over the past couple of decades already.


The Shining Light from this is:

  • MSM hasn`t been able to compete with their main/ most credible competition (kids in their bedrooms with very, very
    few overheads/ costs)
  • While MSM is being comforted by FB and YT and adapt..... we (humanity) will have moved onto the next level of
    technology. Millennials are not buying Gold or Silver..... they buy Bitcoin
  • MSMs overheads and costs will continue to drain their bank balances. If they aint got viewers then they ain`t gonna
    get the ad revenue (unless they are publically funded by the tax-payer... UK = BBC - TV Licence)
  • This desperate move by FB and YT (and GOVs) is going to blow-up in their faces as grown-ups like to be treated like
    grown-ups. We tend to like thinking for ourselves as it gives us a sense of individual sovereignty. We have a duty to
    uphold that responsibility for future generations to come. We think for ourselves, don`t appreciate censorship (as we
    like to be able to make our own minds up after viewing all of the evidence)

The control mechanisms of UK GOV, FB, Twitter and YT went wrong somewhere (for me) as I now use a Blockchain Technology Social Media Networking Site (Steemit.com). I am getting used to/ familiarised with this brand new technology (before the herd) comes charging in..... and they will do. x

PS - MSM has been nothing more than entertainment and propaganda in modern times. It tells us what we should think rather than that of true individualism united by truth, the laws of the land and a drive for future prosperity (for us and future generations yet to be born)!


You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

get the ad revenue (unless they are publically funded by the tax-payer.
It should be publicly instead of publically.

Grammer NAZI is your nam????? Is that wise????? x

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