The DOW is about to break support! Will Bitcoin hold?

in #bitcoin5 years ago (edited)

The DOW Futures market is dropping like a rock as fears continue to grip the market. What bothers me the most is that the choni's on mainstream news (CNN,CNBC...etc) are still urging people to buy the dip. I guess if anyone's willing to take their advice they deserves to lose their money.

After a positive day across American markets and the announcement of a massive stimulous, it is still not enough to save this freefall. If you compare charts of any other correction in history, this is by far the fastest collapse ever. And people are still talking about buy the dip!! It's unbelievable. Central banks got everybody drunk on cheap money and now their being lead off a cliff!


As you can see in the chart below, the DOW is teetering on the 20000 level and is hell bent on breaking through. Once this support is broken it could get ugly.

Bitcoin on the other hand, seems to be holding strong as it remains unaffected by the turmoil other markets. If it can continue to hold it's current price level above 5000 as the stock market crumble, investors fleeing the stock market could come pouring in seek an uncorrelated asset. If that happens things can really change fast for bitcoin and the broader crypto market.

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