Facebook considering to allow ads for some cryptocurrencies | Nasdaq says only 5% stock markets are using the blockchain technology | Zcash first hard fork - Cryptotradingbd Daily

in #bitcoin6 years ago


Facebook considering to allow ads for some cryptocurrencies but not for ICOs. A few months ago facebook blocks all kinds of cryptocurrency ads on facebook but now facebook will allow some ads on cryptocurrencies.
Read more details here:

Nasdaq says only 5% stock markets are using the blockchain technology. 40% are relaying on Cloud based computing , 70% using Robotic Automation and 35% using AI to solve their problems.
Read more details here:

The marketing director for the Zcash Josh Swihart says on a blog post that they have successfully hard fork. The first Zcash hard fork happen on Tuesday morning. The hard fork has named Overwinter. Hard fork has been done on block 347,500.
Read more details here:


That would be great...As i know even more than 70 % of people don't know what crypto currencies are...

We can't grow in crypto currency without people in mass adopting to this..

Facebook being a platform with the maximum reach of people, it would be great if we can see crypto advertisement there.

let's hope for the best

yes, big social media need to unban few thing, cause without the ads some companies can't reach the people.

Vai amk aktu help koro

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