Elon Musk Mocks Bitcoin: Twitter Account Gets Shut Down

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

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Very important information at the bottom of the article. Please Read.

Yesterday Elon Musk mocked the security of Bitcoin in a tweet...

Shortly after posting the tweet, Twitter shut his account down assuming that his account had been hacked.

I can guarantee any Bitcoin enthusiasts had a good laugh at Elon. I know I did.

Gotta love Anchor Man

Please take a moment to read below...

Thank you for taking time to view my content. It is very important to bring you value on this social network, as a lot of content here is mostly spam. I wanted to take a moment to tell you my long term goals, as I am not just here for fun.

There is a very serious issue I want to attack for a living. And that is the lack of financial education in this world. People are clueless when it comes to investing and managing their money. I want to change this. The goal of this page is to teach people the basics of investing, trading and economics, and eventually the advanced stuff. Attacking this issue will solve two major problems.

Middle Men

The first issue is that the majority of people have a person managing their investments and money. We are trending towards a world where we all have the ability to manage our own money, but there's a problem: the knowledge isn't there for most people.

It might not seem like that big of a deal, but you must understand, if everyone is independently managing their money, it cuts out an entire industry. There is a whole economy based on middle men sucking 1-5% out of your investments year over year, and its totally unnecessary.

The Wealth Gap

You all have heard the term "wealth gap." It sounds similar to the "wage gap" so many of you are quick to disregard it, but it is a very real and scary problem. The top 1% of the world have wealth equal to 90% of the rest.

There are activists out there whose solution to this problem is by simple taxation, but this will never work. The government can't be our answer, only we can be. We have to do it for ourselves. No more passing the buck. 

This all starts with education. Learning how to store your wealth and build on it. Not to be greedy, but to build something for future generations. A more equitable world.

Now, if this sounds like a mission you can get behind, please follow this account. Please upvote this account. Spread the word. Tell your friends and family about this mission. Hell, even share what you learn here with them. If we can all gain control of our money and our wealth, we no longer have to crawl to the government for help. We can finally be independent.

Thanks for stopping by! 



Until Next Time

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Sounds great, people need this! So many do not invest due to lack of knowledge.

I can see why they thought that about Musk. But you're so right about financial education in general. It's good to see you doing your bit to spread knowledge.

I have been pretty disorganized in the past, but am working on building a website and a "curriculum" if you will, that people can follow along with. Your support is greatly appreciated.

It is true that more people need to learn how to manage their own money, but I have been trying to spread this message for years and most people don't want to know. It is just easier to throw your money at someone making promises and then hope it will turn out ok. That is why the industry is there in the first place in my opinion, Demand. I think your heart is in the right place my friend, but me personally I have given up trying to help others because I'm tired of watching people roll their eyes at me, cheers.

I see where your coming from. I just feel that there is a growing demand of do it yourselfers out there looking to cut out the middle man. It's easier than ever now.

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