Why betting on Bitcoin Cash is a really bad idea right now

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

BCash charts.png

Hello my fellow steemians and crypto investors,

I’ve been recently hearing a lot of talk about Bitcoin cash becoming more profitable to mine than Bitcoin. Indeed, some hashing power has moved to Bitcoin Cash temporarily and mining profitability is higher on the new chain.

Many are making their bets thinking this could become a trend that leads to the potential overtaking of Bitcoin’s rule in the crypto world.

Why is this a bad idea?

The problem with this short term thinking is that mining difficulty will eventually adjust on both chains. If more hashing power is devoted to Bitcoin cash, the difficulty will automatically adjust up and thus mining on this chain will become less profitable. Also, if less power is devoted to Bitcoin the difficulty will be lower and it will become easier to mine it.

Bitcoin's network effect is light years ahead of Bitcoin Cash's

This is what will likely happen with mining profitability on both chains:
BCH mining profitability.png

We will see several adjustments in the difficulties on both chains until they reach an equilibrium.

BTC mining pools.png

Despite the current profitability advantage, most mining pools still mine on the Bitcoin chain. They understand this is a temporary phenomenon and switching would require lots of efforts re-configuring their current equipment so for them is not really worth it.

BCH mining pools.png

So, what do you recommend?

I’d recommend holding both coins. Most investors already own Bitcoin cash just by virtue of them holding Bitcoin before the hard fork. Also, Segwit implementation is around the corner and it will bring about a lot of potential second layer solutions to Bitcoin, such as the Lightning Network. Greater mainstream recognition and legislative initiatives are in the pipeline for Bitcoin as well and will soon be announced.

I would say selling Bitcoin proper to increase Bitcoin cash holdings is really a bad idea at this time.

Just HODL both and wait 2020!


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Tell me what you think about this post in the comments below. This is not professional investment advise. I'm not your financial advisor. Only invest money you can afford to lose!  

Happy crypto investing!   


I agree, suckers play. Either way hold your keys for all bitcoin forks until the leaders becomes so.

We think similarly about this topic I notice. Good post!

What you're leaving out is that the legacy Bitcoin chain gets hammered with high fees and slow confirmation times when its hashpower goes down, while Bitcoin Cash just produces bigger blocks.

There are already over 100,000 unconfirmed transactions on the legacy Bitcoin chain, and ALL transactions go into the next block on Bitcoin Cash, even ZERO fee transactions. This is going to result in the price swinging far into Bitcoin Cash's direction, and making it more profitable even with a higher difficulty.

Yes, maybe you are right, however I don't think that's likely. Also Segwit + lightning are supposed to take care of the high fees and pending transactions. If they don't work I don't really care, I'm also holding Bitcoin Cash as insurance. That's my advise, not to bet on a single coin

great work keeep it up

Thank you so much for making me clear. Actually I was thinking the same. It may be not a good idea investing in Bitcoin Cash :)

dump that BeeaCH

Nice info great good job bro. I'll follow your account to see how you doing. Because i earnings as like you @yash0108

muy cierto, que buen post.

How about XRP?

You are right @cryptoeagle . Betting on Bitcoin Cash is a really bad idea right now ....

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