
so many ponzis. bitconnect and btchain are 2 of them i've found and blogs like cointelegraph and newsbtc post fake articles making them look legit.

Why do you believe Bitconnect is? They have been around for almost a full year now, have an app for iPhone and android, have multiple world sites, office addresses listed, charity events, and meet ups in other countries...

I'm not upset you put that, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. unfortunately I will have to not see eye to eye with you on this program though. There is much more then just "lending" available. People are mining this coin, buying, selling, and lending back to the pool on the site. I've withdrawn my bitcoins from it, on quite a few occasions from it. Yes there are people who do MLM that take advantage of it because there are referral bonuses, but there are even for mining companies, so to me that doesn't make it sketchy at all. My wife's family in Vietnam has heard about their meet-ups/charity events which let me know it wasnt all smoke and mirrors. I'll be sure to keep Everyone who follows me up to date on my progress. If it goes south i definitely won't be bashful about bashing them lol.

Im probably gonna piss off some people by writing this but here's what i see:

i guess i didnt give them a thorough enough look, but when i went to their website i saw they had the same business model as btchain, except you make 1% where as btchain offers 3%...

who knows bt chain could be totally legit, but im almost 90% sure they are both ponzi structure. successful ponzi none the less, but just wait for the day that they can no longer sustain their model and cant give you that 1%. Will they let you take it out? Will they run off with your money? a lot of them do, but some are cool and will give it back... but i wouldn't want to find out.

like i said i saw both btchain and bitconnect doing the same thing. paying for articles to be written with disclaimers on the

and when i went to their facebook, it looks like a ghost town. hardly any activity and the only comments were, some MLM comments on some of the posts

they call it "lending" but who are they actually lending to? and how are they able to guarantee a return on that money? all these little indicators point to scammy stuff going on.

right now theres a ton of money in crypto and anyone in this space is going to make money. ponzi models make the fastest and theres a lot of people that are good throwing up a quick site around this model and make it look like they're legit and they have their own coin and use fancy buzzwords like "decentralized" "mining" "staking" "opensource". those words are all BS. they're collecting money off of people and paying you until they can no longer sustain it. They put up a video looking like a tech company with some ukulele music playing like they are suddently the answer everyones been waiting for. Promising a return of certain percentage. its an obvious ponzi model.

Like i said they do make money , but in the short term. trick is to get your money out quicker than they can run off with it....that is if you can get ahold of them and actually get it out... lol check out these pictures from their facebook
Screen Shot 2017-06-24 at 3.26.57 AM.pngScreen Shot 2017-06-24 at 3.26.21 AM.png

they never reply. also i think they're in south east asia from the looks of it

They have replied to me on their website, but regardless that doesn't mean anything to me. A lot of the scam sites have someone working at a "help desk" to instill confidence having open conversations and emails to fix problems until they disappear. We will see, but again, in my experience and my looking in to them, I felt confident in my investment.
Like I tell everyone, only invest what you are willing to lose... in any investment.

totally thats a given. always what you're willing to lose. but you'll make money everyone does, until stuff starts getting rocky and thats when you get your stuff OUT ! Its one of those types of deals. make some money and get out quick kinda thing. Within a few months maybe, or a year. or possibly strike up a relationship with them so when they disappear they're cool with you. Im sure itll be fine for a while though

It's not just a company or a coin, it's also a community. This community is way bigger than I think you understand and has been around for about 9 months I believe. It's also listed on some altcoin indexes/lists...
That being said, I don't doubt that you could be right. Any altcoin that is in a somewhat beta stage could fail.

so many of them. I didn't realize it until i went to one of the Facebook groups to do some investigating. I just sat there and watched... and i was blown away. These people who were international MLM sharks were scamming people and then creating networks of people to get in to these programs pre-launch to already have full binary networks. That way they could be the "proof" in videos and what not, make tons of money, and have made some people from the last scam some of their money back by burning new people. They were going from one scam to another and bringing people with them.

they paid them for the articles

... and what about their iPhone and android apps?

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