Some Websites can turn your PC into Bitcoin Mining Slave

in #bitcoin7 years ago


For some time now you have been finding that your PC runs at the pace of a three-legged turtle when you visit certain websites? Your web browser is slow and it's almost impossible to open new tabs and navigate to other sites? You may be the victim of a Trojan or Web Miner.

The Trojan Miner

"Smart guys" can infect a lot of machines via trojans for example, and mine using your computer. Your PC's resources are then greatly affected and your computer becomes very slow. They are mining and the hackers are getting rich on your back. It's called the Trojan Miner. That was the introduction, because we're not going to talk about Trojan Miner (which is still dangerous), but we're going to talk about Web Miner.

The Web Miner

Web miners is a new technology now. Instead of infecting your computer, hackers will add a little JavaScript to hacked sites, or malicious people will be able to add it to their own site (especially on warez/streaming or niche sites).

Then your computer will mine cryptos when you are on those infected sites and of course, without your consent. At this time, more than 2,500 sites have been listed and contain the famous line of code that allows your browser to use your CPU to mine.

The problem is that this technique evolves. While the first Web Miners used 99% of your CPU, now some of them are smarter and avoid using more than 50% of the CPU in order not to be detected too quickly. Some go as far as being able to be used even when you close the website. How is that possible? Quite simply because on some websites, a popup containing the webminer is launched and "displayed", reduced behind the computer clock. Potentially invisible, your computer continues to mine even if you have closed your browser windows.


I heard piratebay did that to its users. For those who dont know piratebay is a website that you can download just about anything from. You download movies music and all that good stuff. I heard that they were mining the bitcoin from all of there users computers. Good post. Be sure to follow me guys.

esta bueno la imagen amigo feliz días

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