Modern day palace in the sky

in #bitcoin7 years ago

In regards to money, I think I'll go ahead and have some more.

know = use my time for me... believe = give away my time for free.

My greatest pleasure in life, is to be my self... Craig :)


Wow your are just like king of Dubai

Yes it's a state of mind! Free your mind and your ass will follow! Kudos to you! You're doin the damn thing! ✌🏾️

When you feel good money falls from the sky - I like that!! Totally in the flow - so your thoughts create your wonderful reality. :)

Nice video, I was amazed when I saw it was a phone that you vlog off of, I thought you had a big vloging camera. This place your are staying is luxury my friend, love the videos and keep it up.

I can't get enough of this . I love how you write like Yoda and your whole philosophy, unlike others who become successful and get dumb. You seem to be growing in wisdom each time I read your posts and watch your videos. This is legendary!

The main thing to always be a man!

bro i advise you to invest bro before to late if you spend 10k a month for renting better buying atlist the apartment is yours

You must be new to his videos.. He already owns a couple houses. If go back and watch his videos you will see how to earn more income for yourself. That's what's important. Being able to use your own advice.

i follow him as well and i buy using his code for genesis mining as well and if you like that apartment buy it lol

Only certain people think ownership has better advantages than a controlling interest. Generally people without a lot of money tend to think that way because they don't have another perspective. In other words, everything is not for everybody ~ and when you like an apartment then feel free to buy it for yourself.

but sometime we need to think about future money not sustain forever life is up and down like a market as well :) for me i like to invest in both side property and crypto investment i own 1 apartment and 1 factory in kuala lumpur . im working in dubai so my apartment someone pay it and the same story for the factory as well , now im working in dubai and looking to buy my own apartment but still look and my situation now very bad because the company not paying me almost 3 month now lucky i have mining rig and cloud mining as side income and some side job to survive , dubai is expansive city to live bro nothing is free here

No. Sometimes YOU need to think about "future.."... As long as YOU are thinking about what YOU need to take care of.. Trusting yourself.. Allow others to trust themselves. The person you are talking about is a grown man - very capable of making his own decisions free of any advice he's not paying you to give him. I'm glad to hear that you are making your way in your life no matter your circumstance.

that we call advise bro open for interpretation no body is force to accept just my 2 cent opinion

owning an apartment is an asset also it can work as an investment so nothing wrong with that... good thinking!

OMG bro 10K a Month hmmm How Much you Earn Every Month bro :)

you should buy that apartment bro come live here in dubai the apartment still cheap and safe here you can rent for 10k a month in plam jumirah on the beach side and buy one yatch and dont forget to invite me :) and the amazing thing is tax free hahahahaha

Do you have rooftop access? That would make a great video!

yes, coming soon

:) Looking forward to it

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