Bitcoin Elite, blockchain technology
Physical freedom is in perfect balance with mental slavery.
Evidence is allowing my self to be programmed, while my experience of now is real and true.
The money comes faster the more I convince myself I already have it... Craig :)
Physical freedom is the illusion while mental independence is the reality. One becomes what one think. One can achieve what one can desire. Physical freedom never mattered. The money you make is because of mental freedom because you want to be over success. You're the real money maker @craig-grant
It know a technology is disruptive when even I can use it with ease, it's amazing how easy I accomplishing things with Bitcoin and blockchain in comparison to real life work.
Craig - you are speaking real TRUTH that most people don't want to hear -
Crypto people are thinking Bitcoin/others will take over FIAT - but I agree with you that is will not take over - there are a small percentage dealing with cryptos and most will stay in FIAT.
Some FIAT haters are hating on FIAT because they're BROKE or needing more FIAT - You hit the nail on the head - being BROKE is not caused by FIAT.
Yup, it's just a game and any money is the greatest invention of humanity. Some money is better than others though.
Fabulous. My conviction of the abundance and wealth in my life is also growing stronger by the day. :)
Thanks for your video! A lot of what I'm learning about this crypto malarkey is coming straight from you, which I'm very happy about because of the clear, positive intentions behind everything you do. :)
All the best!
Blockchain is definitely a disruptive force. It's already a gamechanger. It has so many applications and we're just barely scratching the surface. BCC is different than other programs since it uses blockchain technology.
Keeping up the BCC flow in crypto.
-You got bars bro... :)
Money is absolutely just a game. In order to play the game, you have to know the rules.
financial freedom by cryptos thats is the way man,thats the way..........
good information
nice video..........