Bitcoin Only Please

in #bitcoin7 years ago

This is a fun little story I wrote. Perhaps this will be reality someday! :) Let me know what you think.

"Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, or any other crypto currency. That's all we take now." James's face softened. "I'm sorry sir, but I can't accept your dollars. It's too much of a risk."
James sighed as he watched the old man walk away. It just couldn't be helped these days. The dollar no longer helped his business grow.
Fortunately most people were in the loop with crypto currency these days.
“Excuse me sir, my coffee?” James blinked for a moment. The next customer had been trying to order for several moments now.
“Oh! I'm so sorry sir. I zoned out for a second there. Will you be paying with Bitcoin today?”
“No, just Ripple.” The man scammed his phone on the qr reader.
“Thank you sir.” James walked over to the espresso machine and began to brew the guests coffee.
“Do you want any whipped cream sir?”
“No thanks. I like my deathwish coffee black.”
“Sounds good.”
James walked back to the counter with the guests coffee. He noticed that the guest was making some predictions on Augur.
coffee-1576537_1920.jpg"I really lost out on that bet about the ShadowBrokers. I didn't think he—or they—would ever be caught."
The guest looked up from his phone. "Neither did I, to be honest. I lost quite a bit of Augur."
“Yeah. Oh well.” He paused for a moment. “Hope you have a good day sir.”
“Thanks. You too.” The next guest walked up to the counter. Do you guys accept MaidSafe?
"Of course," said James with a smile. "Of course."


sooner than you think.

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