How to win 51,91850 BTC within 365 days with just 0.04 BTC

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Very need to invest in stupid HYIP website who will stole your money.
Simply open a trading account on bitmex or kraken :

(Thanks in advance for registering with my referral link....)

You can start with 0.04 BTC (about 92 USD @ current rate)

Once done, start to trade on bitmex everyday : don't spend more than 1 hour, with a very reasonnable target of 2% profit per day, and a leverage of maximum 5.

Please have a look below at the trade I made within 7 days (I didn't spend more than one hour per day) :BITMEX-2.jpg

At the beginning you will think it is boring, but after 167 days, once you get your first Bitcoin it will start to be interesting : EXCEL.jpg

Don't forget to register with my refferal link :
I have 7 mouth to feed every day. Thanks for your time and wish you successfull (and wise trading).



Thanks. I wll look into this.

Dear acwood, thanks for your comment. It works fine if you stay with a reasonnable target (2 to 3%) and if you keep your head cold. Patiente, time, and to have a look everyday in Bitcoin news for example..

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