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RE: Someone Tell John Oliver He Got The Whole Cryptocurrency Thing Wrong

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Ha! I just posted the exact same video and mentioned that I was quite impressed :D I expected him to make much more fun of something he doesn't understand, but instead I found it was quite well researched - for a mainstream no-coiner audience. Dan, his office guy must have taught him well.

Yes, it was sensationalist, but I also found it quite balanced. He didn't say it was bad, or you're an idiot if you get into it (which I expected, tbh). I thought he actually gave a pretty balanced overview for absolute beginners.

I did like the end where he replaced Bitconnect with Responsibility ;)
Take responsibility is the right message, no?


Take responsibility is the right message, no?

Obviously. But he also got a pretty strong stance against EOS (it could have been any other major token, because he had just general remarks), he mocked Brock Pierce for making his wedding on Burning Man (since when this is laughable?), and, overall, he mixed personal remarks with "unbiased" opinions. That's a very, very slippery slope.

You are an educated person and still got a few red flags from him, now image somebody who doesn't have the time to get educated and gets his "opinion" from that. For that person, crypto will be something to be afraid of. Which, tbh, is quite the opposite: our current situation and its potential fixation into a perpetual status-quo is what we should be afraid of.

I agree about the eos part, I didn’t like that either and thought, well, let’s review your “I could be wrong but I’m not”- statement in a few years. That was judgmental and part of the “audience hunger” you mentioned.

As for the rest I’m not worried. I got into crypto precisely because someone was warning me about it ;) Their passionate against-ness was what got me interested in the first place.

We never know how people take the info we present to them. For some people, John Oliver’s presentation might be just what they need. For others not. But luckily there are loads of other people spreading the crypto message in different ways so it can reach different people.

We never know how people take the info we present to them.

VERY well put :) I liked that!

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