5 powerful reasons why you will never know Satoshi Nakamoto

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)


Mystery and doubt surround him on every aspect. Much has been said, but in the end no-one has been even close to know his identity, even some of the most powerful media in the world have tried to hunt him with no result.
Just calling his name rises discussions and some times even shivers.

And that is exactly how he likes things…

There are a number of reasons why you or anyone will not know Mr. Nakamoto. And here we will discuss the most important of them.

I will start talking about Satoshi Nakamoto as a single, for it is a single name. But, if you are reading this you probably know he might be one, two or more.

  1. Terrorism, politics, self interests. In other words, pandemonium.

Satoshi Nakamoto (SN) created a global phenomenon that can be compared only to the creation of Internet itself. This happening has influenced more than 10 million people who are bitcoin users now. Among this people there are some of the most powerful men and woman across the globe. Imagine if this influence was in control of politics, banks or private interests.
SN did not only create a financial system, he created a revolution and a movement which is continuously expanding and this truly bothers many people and many organizations around the world. Lets also remember that the word of SN could move bitcoin price up or down almost at will.

  1. The all mighty banks death.

For the first time in the history of man kind, people is almost at complete control of their money, this means an imminent threat to one of the most powerful systems and one of the oldest, banking. It is true that we will not see banks death soon, never the less, bitcoin is a bullet through their heart. They have been manipulating people and telling them what to do with their money for centuries, yes for centuries… and all of a sudden a game changer comes and takes this power from them, not entirely but at least a big chunk. This is not admisible so imagine banks pushing SN to shut bitcoin down…


  1. Sabotage

There is no better way to ruin things subtly, than sabotage. And the top one is mediatic sabotage. You might say some have been doing that to bitcoin already but imagine what could happen if the identity of SN was revealed… The first consequence, bitcoin desprestigie and immediate price plummet then financial caos, crisis and you may think about the rest.

  1. The human factor

Lets not forget that SN is human. Most people think about him as some kind of automata that is only set to produce bitcoin. But there is humanity beyond that name, there might be one or more people with families and dreams. Think for one second about very posible scenarios were the family or families behind SN can be threatened by terrorist groups, politicians, banks and many other organizations to take control of bitcoin. After all bitcoin capitalization exceeds 15 billion dollars and in todays world, people gets killed for much less than that.

  1. Greed

Many people or factions want to control bitcoin because of greed. As said previously bitcoin capitalization exceeds 15 billion but it has the potential to rise way more than that, so it is not only what is worth, its about the enormous potential. Also SN’s fortune is estimated over 700 million alone, quite a big number of people would like to put hands on this kind of money.

Many humans are moved by greed, which is frequently confused with ambition, and the problem with greed is that a person wants more and more at pathological levels, no matter who or what. In the case of bitcoin many want more and more just as in the gold fever.

There are many possible consequences for knowing the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto. The above are only a few of them, but probably some of the most powerful.
It is of bitcoiners interest that he remains in the shadows, of course it is of his own interest as well. There is no doubt that he knows all of this better than anyone, for some of us many reasons will remain unseen or unclear, what many of us know with full certainty is that we are thankful to SN for crating a new path, try to take power from the big and return it to the people.

By: David Rincon G

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