Are your assets safe? Why bitcoin is considered as the safest investment of all others existing investment options?

in #bitcoin5 years ago

money-2696228_1280.jpgThe centralized authority has taken over your assets in safety protocol for a longer period. Assurance of safety of assets that can be stored in the locker of banks may be the most reliable trade to conduct for the security of your valuable assets. Thinking that the government bodies are taking care of our life’s saving, and we used to sleep soundly. In the year 2008, the Recession that fetched an abrupt inversion in the financial field of the world economy which only triggers annihilation of trust towards the government body. That era of woe is still breathing inside the mind. People searched for alternatives which assure the safety of their belongings. When faith is disappearing then no third party will be gained the trust.

So, where does the solution lie?
One basic fact that coerces to people think is the protection of own property can only be provided under own espial. Leaving your financial assets in the corner of your room or storing in some underground dungeon for safety purpose, doesn’t bring any benefits for you. But the new trend of cryptocurrency is ready to offer you the benefits that always you craved for. Digitization of your assets makes it easy to conduct and using its investment purpose.

What is the basic requirement for assets?
An asset which holds the most valuable belongings of our incomes and savings which are accumulated either form of ornaments, precious stone, property, car, money, etc. that must be kept in the safest place in the world. So, safety and security are the valuable features of for your assets.

Safety & Security: Putting your wealth in a small box and lock it under the eyes of the government’s security protocol is a tradition procedure to keep the assets in the world’s safest place. Result revolved backwards when recession sticks and assets once were safe in the bank now are at its high risk. The centralized banking system also threatened by the hacker who can easily wipe out your entire wealth in one click. Many people faced huge bankruptcy during the recession. So, results show the third party is not a liable entity to keep the assets in 100% secure zone.

Profit from assets: Assets that are less affected by any market turbulence or don’t fall into the category of high-risk assets are the assets which can promise high return too. Investment strategies state superfluous refund and stability in principal value. If turmoil of market status doesn’t affect the preeminent value of the assets then only you can come in the verge of assurance of the security of your assets. While investing with real assets it took a high-risk with the volatility of market condition. However, banks offer us a minimal amount of percentage rate which is not worth in comparison to the asset value.So, assets’ safety and high yield from it are the main requirements in which you need a quick solution.
Is there any safer way to keep assets safe and secure and also get benefits? What if you came to know about a system which can offer you both i.e. security and profit, Will you invest there?
For years, it has been noticed that people is always afraid of new technologies. The solution may be standing right in front of you but still need a courageous step to accept the new. 2009, the year of an economic revolution, where cryptocurrency took place of traditional currency. It took almost four years to get the attention of investors. The sole way that comprises all the requirements which an investor is looking for the safety of assets is bitcoin, digital gold treasure. Bitcoin is manufactured in such a way that it holds some unique features which make the bitcoin not only special but also liable. For a brief evaluation of bitcoin, it is obvious to know about the features that make it different from others.

The main features that are occupied by Bitcoin:
To know the detail aspects of cryptocurrencies, one must concern about the basic characteristics that any cryptocurrency holds.

Decentralized: Bitcoin was established using a decentralized banking system. One of the main facts that it isn’t bound with a third party or any centralized authority to navigate the transaction. Bitcoin is a lone organization which fully works under anon individuals.

Peer-to-peer: Bitcoin’s working principle depends on the peer-to-peer (P2P) network system where every information is distributed within the network but only accessible through public key and private key.
Irreversible: Any transaction that can be processed through in the network the information cannot be stored personally. As a result, if a transaction occurs then it can’t be reversed and distribute all data which hold high complexity to track or hack.
No requirement of a permit: For any normal bank transfer the process is complex and stores every data & entire process.
· Deposit the money to the bank with the receiver’s address
· Bank receives the data and permits for the transaction.
· Then the amount being processed through a bank’s network.
· Then it transfers to the receiver’s bank for authentication.
· After permission from the receiver’s bank, the amount will be transmitted to the receiver’s bank account.
· In some cases, the receiver’s authentication may also require.
· The rate of processing fees are high and it gets maximize on a country basis.
But in virtual coin transaction in the digital platform, no permission or involvement of a bank or any authority of the central government system requires as virtual currencies are not operated by any government bodies.

Anonymous: Everything in the crypto world is covert. There will be no vestige remain after the completion of the transaction as the records of information are equally distributed within the nodes. Freedom of crypto-world from there, makes it partially indistinguishable. The user, creator, investor, etc. everyone related to this network are pseudonyms.
Controlled on supply: The limited amount of token is circulated within the network. For bitcoin, it is possible to mine up to 21millions. As of now 85.24% of bitcoins has been mined and anyone with the high computing power can only be able to conduct mining.

Swift process: As the entire intermediate authorities are not required to execute any demise. By eliminating the mediator process cryptographic technology boosts the process of the transaction on an international basis at low processing fees for large transactions.
International: Transactions are being conducted within international bodies. Therefore, cryptocurrencies are worldwide acceptable. This, not only eases international trading but also accelerate the process.

Bitcoin as an investment ?
Besides the bitcoin is the most popular in all cryptocurrencies, it holds the maximum market value. Majority of crypto-enthusiasts put faith in the currency system as fiat currency. Maybe it is only roaming inside of the virtual world, but it is more liable to any other assets as it is not subjected to govern by any central system. As it is a primitive coin in crypto-world it tracks the highest of the trusted party towards dealing with. It has earned the trust of the market after its hike in the market. Most of common people became exuberant over a period. Bitcoin is still trending high in the crypto-market. Trading with bitcoin gives you certain opportunities that can enhance your financial status over time.
How do you keep your assets a safe in blockchain system?
In a simplified manner, your assets will be stored in the blockchain as a transaction record. You invest your wealth to purchase bitcoins amplify the scope of trading, transferring, or simply storing in a wallet.
Perplexity behind the harvesting of bitcoin requisites an efficient technology which can be done by help of the miners. So, there is no opportunity for swindling. So if your investments go to bitcoin then you can sustain your investment safely for a longer period.
Another approach of bitcoin technology can offer you the lowest or no risk of hacking. Hacking in technology is something that draws out your entire wealth in seconds. As the bitcoin has built on the blockchain technology, which is distributive ledger within the P2P network, creates a chain of blocks which comprises transaction data. These data are difficult to disrupt or temper as it is linked with many nodes in the blockchain. If any temperament occurred then it will not because of system faultiness but because of user’s negligibility.
As you can understand the tangled technical structure of bitcoin and blockchain technology, you can be assured to keep your assets in digital format.
What are the benefits that you get for storing your assets into the digital world?
Digital assets come with a huge list of advantages. Some of them are listed below;
· The security of your assets that you always seek for, it can deliver the highly secure structure to store your assets.
· Trading with the international body gets easier with bitcoin at a very low processing fees.
· International money transfer can be done quickly through bitcoin in comparison to other existing financial system.
What is the risk that you might aware of before investing?
Risk is proportional to any investment with cryptocurrency. The reason is simple that the crisis in any financial body is unpredictable. It is majorly depending on the interest level of the traders, which could raise or decline the market cap of cryptocurrency. As a result, uncertainty always stuck with investment.
It is always suggested keeping your private key safe to move your funds or convert it to FIAT currency on requirement.
These are the basic risks that always come along with the bitcoin investments that can be tackled with concern and knowledge.

Where does the future take us with bitcoin?
Bitcoin can be considered as the future of currency. As the modernization of the world speeding up the process bitcoin is another reason for the evolution of the world. The future aspect of cryptocurrencies along with bitcoin is highly promising.
Bitcoin can be considered as the parent of all the currencies, or it can be used for backing regional FIAT currencies like gold, and also for the huge transactions overseas, might also as the only currency accepted all around the globe for buying and selling goods and services. Right now, we are mainly using it for making large payments with the bitcoin lighting network but the main revenue is generated by small businesses around the globe. Adoption of 2nd layer of bitcoin will make the micro transactions possible within seconds.

Whether the government accepts the change or not?
There is still ambiguity attached to the government’s confirmation in many countries. The fact is the currency should be regulated by the central body which is not pursued in bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. As it is conducted in a decentralized manner governments tries to prohibit the system. But that also cannot be possible as it is decentralized.

As the vogue of cryptocurrencies enhancing and many investors are initiating projects related to cryptocurrency, the government should understand the risk of banning cryptocurrencies in this state. Most of the countries are welcoming cryptocurrencies with an open arm but some are still afraid to deal with it. As time flows everyone and everything will familiar with it and soon the crypto era will start.

Bitcoin is the only traditional cryptocurrency which is most used around the globe and backed by a big community with a partial government support regionally. So, it is valued more than any other cryptocurrency in the virtual system. As it is the primitive among all the cryptocurrencies it grabs the trust of the market within it. So, if you want to keep safe your assets then bitcoin investment can be the smartest choice. But be careful of the caution.

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