Analyze The Kinship Between The Share Market And Crypto-Market

in #bitcoin5 years ago

According to the last update of CoinMarketCap on Sep 04, 2019 7:54 AM UTC, the total market capitalization of cryptocurrencies is $268,360,225,060. In that scenario, BTC captured more than 50% of it and stands at $189,350,261,643. The CoinMarketCap data transparently indicates the royalty of bitcoin among others cryptocurrencies. Holding about more than 260 billion dollars value, the crypto-market acquaint a plight investment in this sector.

However, the question remains unresolved, whether these two markets are correlated or not. Finding the correlation between the share markets (Dow Jones, Nasdaq, S&P500, NYSE) with the crypto-market (CoinMarketCap) is puzzling. Perplexity between two markets always failed to explain the kinship between the markets.
Reading the blog will give you the vision to explore every fact where you can either relate or differentiate between traditional and non-traditional share market.
First Talk About the Factors on that the Share Market Works
Share market, a platform that provides all resources for the investors and partners to do business. A requirement of money for any company convinces them to sell their share in the market. After purchasing the company’s share investors gain profit from selling the shares at a higher price. Share market adapts the simple rule. However, it is not as easy as I explained. Many factors influence trading inside the share markets. The market capitalization also depends on demand and supply. The company’s value is fluctuating. For proper and expert trading one must need scheming data, a guided strategy, and calculus prediction of the constancy of the stock market exchange.

Demand & supply is a capital factor that dominates the value of the share in the share markets.
Investors can also be the reason for the whirl in the share markets. If the investors’ demand is more in comparing to the amount of share then the price of a share will hike. But investors avoid investing in shares of a special company but they share is in sale the price will automatically decline.
Company’s announcement with the dividend of share also affects the movement of share prices.
Interest rate is also attracting investor which increases the sale of stocks. This act of interest rate influences the increasing demeanor of the share market. The result can be the opposite if the interest rate reduces from its normal rate.
Political movements in any country affect the economy of the country as well as the stock market gets affected by the storm of any political issue.
Economic conditions also reflect the impressive effect on the share prices. If any company’s economic statistic is promising enough to provide high return to the investors then the stock price will be high.

So, How to Determine the Market Capitalization?
Without having the knowledge of market deportment, investors may face a massive break into economic condition. The basic is not puzzled up. When supply is less but the demand is high then the capitalization growth shows an increasing graph. The result will be exactly opposed if the demand level decreases but the market has sufficient supply.
Modulate the previously discussed factor, the market analyst can predict some data through which the share markets fickleness can be pre-determined. However, all are predictions which may not give the exact result as the data released by the analysts.

How does Crypto-Market Relate to the Traditional Share Market?
If you search for any analytic proof to validate your thought then you are searching for its hole. So the suspicious nature of human can question the fact that how do I assert on my statement. Perhaps the nature of the market does not have an overpowering effect on each other but, surely, the basic principle of work is the same in them. Crypto-market can show the behavioral changes if any of the factors show the abnormal attitude. So, the bases, on which the crypto-market is standing, are almost similar like demand and supply, economic conditions, etc.

Why the Crypto-Market still Differ from the Share Market?
As it is clear the operating system of both the markets are different but the nature of working is selfsame. There are still major factors that may not get into the traditional share market but it causes a malign flutter in the crypto market.
Supply and demand: This factor works the same as the traditional way. But in the crypto-market supply of the coin is limited. For example, bitcoin can be mined up to 21 million BTC. There are some coins which are pre-mined and released in the market in a certain amount and rest of the supply is stored in the company’s network like XRP.

Technical news: Any entropy regarding the collaboration, payment methods, can be highly obsessive for cryptocurrencies market value.

Social media: As the whole cryptocurrency system is a digital asset so any internet news in social media could be the risk the volatility of the market.
Ordinance: Not having a proper regulatory body, cryptocurrencies always bear a threat of banning from the country. But no government can fully ban the system and it is the decentralized and the virtual world is its arena.

Coin listing: One of the major condition that causes the most effective of the market situation is the ranking of the cryptocurrencies. In the realm of the crypto-world, only popularity can be counted. The demand will increase accordingly. First in ranking will always be high in demand. But a new coin can also gather the audience by promising high return through an advert.

Hacking: It is manifest that if it running through the fully computerized system then there is a high risk of hacking. But cryptocurrency follows highly blockchain applied science which reduces the risk of hacking but not completely omits.

What Could be the Conduct of Crypto-Market Comparing the Nature of the Share Market?
Following through the above discussion clearly both the demeanor of the market depends on some factors related to the system. Low market cap industry ( Crypto ) will always be more volatile compared to the huge market cap industry (NYSE ).
Concurrent may raise a question that the graph is showing a similar pattern. However, the detailed analysis has proved that the demeanor of the crypto-market and share markets shows a different way.
The turbulence of bitcoin value for one day:

The statement clearly defines the more profitability industry as of now. This is justified mainly for intra-day traders.
Stay bullish, stay positive and trust yourself to invest after complete research.


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