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RE: The Shoe Shine Boy & The Impending Crash of Bitcoin

in #bitcoin7 years ago

If Bitcoin hard Forks many times and/or can not substantially increase its number of transactions per second it will fail in the long run. It will be a victim of its own success.

Today Visa can process 24,000 a second!!! I don't see a path to get Bitcoin to this level of confirmation speed.

Maybe Bitcoin doesn't have to match these speeds and it will act as a reserve currency, like holding and trading physical Gold.

The real question though, is what coin has the ability to rival the speed of credit card transactions?


actually - the scenario where BITCOIN is like a digital gold asset... is likely to happen I think.. I cannot see any nice improvement on transaction speed ... or energy efficiency... and coins that provide better systems like... BURST or Ethereum... will proably do better...

Probably BURST... it's eco friendly...
Etehreum.. have ulimited supply... it's another philosophy...

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