in #bitcoin6 years ago

Is this the fulfillment of the Bible prophecy in Revelation?

"and that no man should be able to buy or to sell, save he that hath the mark, even the name of the beast or the number of his name."
Revelation 13:17 ASV


Photo Credit: Martijn Wismeijer Tweeter Post

Dutchman Martijn Wismeijer told how he lost his bitcoins due to hacks and theft of exchanges so he decided in 2014 to surgically implant 2 near field communication (NFC) chips in to each hand to securely store his Bitcoin encrypted keys.

Each time he made a transaction, he would simply stretch out his arms and let a scanner from his smartphone read his keys, send out the payment and viola!

With all the hacking and the stealing of cryptocurrrencies, this sounds a rather more appealing thing to do, that is, if you are willing to get surgical implants into your body.

In Revelation, the prophecy foretells of this kind of transaction schemes wherein you can only buy or sell if you have the mark of the beast.

Please don't get me wrong here. I am definitely not saying Mr. Martijn Wismeijer has the mark of the beast.

But the technology may as well be a great player as to fulfill the prophecy. The mark of the beast is received by those who will be deceived by the Devil himself into their foreheads or the hands or arms.

I am also not saying that it is Bitcoin or altcoins that will pave the way to the fulfillment of this prophecy. But the convenience is very clear.

Without the cryptocurrrencies the same system can still be implemented with US Dollar or Euro or any world currency.

Furthermore, cryptocurrrencies are inherently decentralized and free of government control.

But then again, some governments now are implementing their own decentralized cryptocurrrency like Russia and Venezuela.

I am confident that one day, sooner rather than later, the prophecy will be fulfilled and I am actually hoping that it will be so in this generation.

Because that means Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior is coming really really soon.

Can't wait to be in heaven. Even so Lord Jesus, come.

FOLLOW GOD FIRST. Then FOLLOW @cjclaro if you have been blessed by His Word and want to be inspired everyday.


You know that I too have come to think the same thing !! Seeing the similarities between the present and what the profession of the bible says ... IT IS ALMOST THE SAME

this type of technology allows that what can be accomplished in the apocalypse ...

And well, technology already exists and the way. If some evil dictator thought that everyone should use it obligatory or if he does not eat ... it would be fulfilled !! and in this life everything is possible ... the letters are already on the table

All that's happening point to the final fullfilment of the Bible prophecy. Let's keep watch and be ready.

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