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RE: I interview a Zimbabwean about Trump on the streets of Harare! Bitcoin is bright after Trump win, Blockchain Summer School, MGTOW, Mozambique

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

Hi Adam
You are going to my youth territory, Maputo Mozambique,
Don't miss "Ponta do Ouro" "Bilene" "Xai-Xai" "Pemba" and "Costa do Sol Beach"
Hope you are growing your African soul.... a virus we can never forget
When you go tell me , some Friends there can point me places to go or eat
I speak Maputo dialect called "Landim"
"Kanimanbo" means Thanks in Maputo dialect
Carlos Ventura


I have a note to email you. Been so busy with the insane process of getting a visa that I have not had time. Glad you are checking this blog out still.

Hi Adam
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It worked very well for me
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