Bitcoin was created by NSA and someone found the creator

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Also the name of one of the creator of this in 1996 was "Okamoto" found here
was this satoshi nakamoto or was satoshi a group of people?

You search google for Tatsuaki Okamoto and this appears

Publication of books (Japanese)
·"Cryptography, Zero-Knowledge Proofs and Number Theory" (Kyoritsu-Shuppan, 1995)
·"Cryptography" (Sangyo-Tosho, 1997)
·"graphy and Information Security" (Nikkei-BP, 1998)
·"Information Security" (Denki-Tsushin-Kyokai, 2000)
·Japanese translation of "Modern Cryptography, Probabilistic Proofs and Psudorandomness (O.Goldreich)" (Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, 2001)
1993 Best achievement award (Kobayashi memorial award) from IEICE
1997 Distinguished services of research award from Science and Technology Agency, Japan
1998 Telecomm technology award from the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation, Japan
1999 NTT R&D Fellow
2000 Technology award from Nikkei-BP Press
2003 IEICE Fellow
2007 Certicom ECC Technology Award
2008 METI Award
2009 IACR Distinguished Lecturer
2009 IISEC Information Security Cultural Award
2011 IEICE Distinguished Achievement and Contributions Award
2011 JSIAM Fellow
2012 Medal with Purple Ribbon
2015 IACR Fellow
Professional Services
Director of IACR (1998-2000)
Director of IEICE (2001-2003)
President of JSIAM (2007- )
Visiting Positions
Visiting Assistant Professor of Univ. of Waterloo (Canada) (1989-1990)
Visiting Researcher of Bell Labs (USA) (1994-1995)
Guest Professor of Univ. of Tokyo (1999-2004)
Guest Professor of Kyoto Univ. (2001- )

  1. Tony Eng and Tatsuaki Okamoto, Single-Term Divisible Electronic Coins, Advances in Cryptology EUROCRYPT '94, Springer-Verlag, pp. 311-323.

"Three divisible off-line cash schemes have been proposed, but at a cost of a longer transaction time and additional storage. Eng and Okamoto's divisible scheme [7] is based on the "cut and choose" method. Okamoto [11] is much more efficient and is based on Brands' scheme but will also work on Ferguson's scheme. Okamoto and Ohta [12] is the most efficient of the three, but also the most complicated. It relies on the difficulty of factoring and on the difficulty of computing discrete logarithms.?

Link of study (paper from 1996)

Any comments????

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