Coinbase to Introduce Index Fund

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Coinbase announced today that they will be introducing a new cryptocurrency index fund. While there isnt all the information out there yet on how exactly the fund will be structured, they have announced somethings. I want to give my opinion on some of the good things the bad things and the potential hazards that this fund could have. In addition I want to talk about the risks that such a fund could have if you were to be an investor in it.

Lets start with the positive and talk about the good things that this fund does. The first thing is they are requiring you to be an accredited investor, which in the US means 200k single income, 300k joint income or just a net worth of 1 million, not counting your primary residence. In my opinion this is a good thing because there are many risks associated with this fund and having it available to anyone is just begging for people to put more in than they can afford to lose, then suing coinbase later on if they lose money. This will probably be similar to GBTC where you can sell shares on the open market after x amount of time, but because you are investing in an index of coins, left up to Coinbase's discretion, you potentially are taking on more risk.

This leads me to a bit of the negative and the positive regarding the fund which is what coins actually go into it. Currently Coinbase says that it will represent what they sell on their exchange, but what if they choose to sell more coins in the future, potentially coins you dont want exposure to. I think people will jump on board initially but what happens if coinbase starts adding a ton of coins and suddenly your risk skyrockets. Also Coinbase is being sued by multiple people right now for allegedly pumping and earning a ton of money on adding certain coins to their exchange. Its a possibility that adding new coins to the index fund could be considered a type of market manipulation.

Now lets get to the negatives of the fund, which I think primarily is going to be the fees which are 2% per year. That compounds very quickly if you hold a fund for a decent amount of time so you will see the underlying assets slowly get eaten away. Next is that they are holding the coins themselves which I personally see as a negative because although Coinbase talks about insurance, I think they would have a real hard time trying to collect if something were to happen. Coinbase is no stranger to hacks in the past so you expose yourself to risk that the exchange itself loses funds and they try to tie the index fund money together. You could potentially lose everything and be in a MT. Gox type situation. This is worrying to say the least.

Overall I think the fund is at least a very interesting development in the space and I do want to see it launched. Im curious where it is going to be traded and if you are going to be allowed to invest after a certain period of time, but I think they are taking precaution because it is going to be an experiment. There is a real chance that this thing ends up being a disaster. I will be on the sidelines like many others, but I do hope that it brings some investment in from big players who are stuck only investing in GBTC because of federal regulation, even if the investments will be split with other coins.



I like to see more expansion of monetary investment options across the cryptocurrency landscape. If done in a legitimate way, it goes to strengthen long term confidence and buy-in.

If they do open a fund like this, I would expect they will need to follow the financial rules for such investment types. Therefore they will need to have necessary capital, oversight, reporting, and assurances. I doubt they will enter into such an endeavor unprepared. Just a thought though.

I agree they will have all those things like that, the problem is its legal to run a loaded index fund and take a ton of money from the underlying asset. Also I think the problem comes with the grey areas of the fund like what happens if they add a new coin and it pumps? Is that market manipulation? Some would argue it is.

Tnx for ingormation .good continuation

I would stay away. Far, FAR away.

seems like a suckers play. Coinbase could do so much more, yet they choose not to.

Agreed, but our opinion of Coinbase dropped to zero back in the first great bitcoin-fork debates when they backed whatever side helped them most instead of helping bitcoin most. Coinbase has always been all about them-- but they try to be sneaky about it which makes our stomach turn.

Thanks, didn't know about the 2% per year fee, which is very "Coinbasey" in how greedy it is. We'd be happy to manage money for 25 basis points (0.25%), but recognize our greed level is quite low.

Here's some additional "color" on the Coinbase Index Fund if you're interested....

We are minnows, and hoping to gain more readers, so shamelessly upvoting this comment to get better "seen". if this ticks you off (calaber), please let us know and we will stop/delete. We don't believe in all the bot-armies of gaming the system, so reading other people's work on the topics we like and commenting and then provding our own links is the best we can do to raise our voice. anyway, we found your post bc we already were following you, take that for what its worth.

GBTC runs about the same, its just that there arent many options so they can charge that rate. With competition hopefully there will be lower costs, but costs will always be relatively high because there is a real cost to institutional storage and security.

nice look at the pros and cons, honestly I hadn't thought of any of the points you raised and am really glad to learn about it!

Glad you enjoyed it! Well see how it works out, even if im not going to invest im definitely keeping my eye on it.

Hello. I liked your post, keep it up. Good luck

Thank for Informacion man👌👌✊👍

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