Bitcoin: Inverse Head and Shoulders Babushka Doll

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

Let's take it back a little shall we ...

Two weeks ago ^ when people were blabbing on about the Chinese and fireworks, the techies amongst us were pattern hunting and spotted this beaut Inverse Head and Shoulders pattern which led to a decent move up towards 12K (the move started well before Chinese NYE btw).

When we got up to Twelve K, BTCUSD was rejected and look what started forming:

What do you know? Fucking Inverse Head and Shoulders. Now let's zoom in a bit to where that right shoulder is brewing right now:

You guessed it ... Inverse Head and Fucking Shoulders. Dandruff galore.

There you go folks: Inverse Head and Shoulders Babushka Doll. Doesn't get any more bullish than that.

it's like a taco within a taco within a taco bell WITHIN YOUR MIND

CC'ing @choogirl cos she likes it when I rant


Now THIS is the type of content I follow you for mate! 😂

This post contains 3 things I like.

  1. a bulleth rant
  2. bullish bitcoin
  3. tacos!

And of course the 4th thing I like.... @choogirl coming to a FL town in just a couple weeks! Weeeeeee!

Of course @bulleth's Babushka Doll is what sold me on the H&S. Otherwise it would have just been a plain old H&S pattern....meh. lol

Lol. I was literally just talking about you in a group DM about Orlando.

in some places like indonesia the value of bitcoin is not yet stable. Now is very low price. but hopefully the future will improve the with the improvement of the country's economy and world stock prices and investing.

This is an incredibly serious comment considering the post content, but I also wish for this.

Sure Mr @bulleth. I think every Steemian and bitcoin or crypto user wish this.
In Indonesian I think is not easy. Because the goverment have a planning to make regulacy to crypto or virtual money is a illegal transaction.

Hi, I noticed some of your posts and I was impressed. How can you do all of this. You can be a good example for Steemians budding!
Thank you

excellent posts, incredible information, as the economy increases, and the increase in the income of the affluent, the time becomes more valuable: every hour is more profitable. Income is always profitable.

perfect & accomplishment!

delightful & intriguing!

Yeah, I thing that this EW prophets overdrive their waves a little. I also think that this h&s is way a way of been completed and that down move is still on table.

You make this post critical, what is very good.

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