HOW TO setup a Starx Masternode :D:D guide and videoguide whith vps service

in #bitcoin6 years ago

hi all

You can find this guide on ghithub but it is not up to date

This guide is for a single masternode,
on a Ubuntu 16.04 64bit server (VPS) running headless and will
be controlled from the wallet on your local computer (Control wallet).
The wallet on the the VPS will be referred to as the Remote wallet.

You will need your server details for progressing through this guide.

First the basic requirements:

  1. Starx MN Collateral (3000 starx)

  2. A main computer (Your everyday computer) – This will run
    the control wallet, hold your MN Collateral and can be turned on
    and off without affecting the masternode.

  3. Masternode Server (VPS – The computer that will be on 24/7)

  4. A unique IP address for your VPS / Remote wallet

(For security reasons, you’re are going to need a different IP
for each masternode you plan to host)

The basic reasoning for these requirements is that, you get to
keep your Starx in your local wallet and host your masternode
remotely, securely.

step1. Local Wallet Configuration

  1. Using the control wallet, enter the debug console
    (Tools >help - Debug console) and type the following
    command: masternode genkey (This will be the masternode’s privkey.
    We’ll use this later…)


  1. Using the control wallet still, enter the following
    command: getaccountaddress ChooseAnyNameForYourNewAddress


  1. Still in the control wallet, send MN Collateral to
    the address you generated in step 2 (Be 100% sure that
    you entered the address correctly. You can verify this
    when you paste the address into the “Pay To:” field, the
    label will autopopulate with the name you chose”, also make
    sure this is exactly MN Collateral. No less, no more.) – Be absolutely
    100% sure that this is copied correctly. And then check it again. We
    cannot help you, if you send MN Collateral to an incorrect address.
  1. Still in the control wallet, enter the command into the
    console: masternode outputs (This gets the proof of transaction
    of sending MN Collateral)
    "da8cfb9e38d25dae49bc99cde0dd2a3921e317f60d73c945f1884c48ae52ce98" : "0"
  1. go to masternode tab and fill in the needed details:
    alias (this is the name of address you choose in step 2)
    address (vps iP)
    txhash (result from step 4)
    ouput index (this is the second result generated in step 4, its
    mostly 0 or 1)

privkey: Result generated from step 1


address reward

VPS Remote wallet install

  1. Log in to your VPS console as root or sudo user and copy paste lines:

cd ~ && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install unzip nano libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-thread-dev software-properties-common -y

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin -y

sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libdb5.3-dev libdb5.3++-dev libminiupnpc-dev libevent-2.0-5 libevent-pthreads-2.0-5 libevent-dev -y && wget && unzip


Configuration Cont.

Now on the VPS, edit the eBux configuration file:

nano ~/.StarCashX/StarCashX.conf

Make the config look like this:










Make sure to replace rpcuser and rpcpassword with your own.

to exit the editor press Ctrl+o, enter and Ctrl+x

Start your masternode

Now, you need to finally start these things in this order –
Start the daemon client in the VPS. First go back to your
installed wallet directory,

cd ~

and then start the wallet using


Now, restart Control wallet, go to Masternode tab, select masternode and press "Start"

The following should appear: “Alias: “ “Successfully started masternode”,

Congratulations! You have successfully created your masternode!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 62324.87
ETH 2419.55
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.65