The Bitcoin Crash

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

I tried not to write about cryptocurrency; but the crisis in the crypto market has escalated beyond the limit that I couldn't resist the temptation to write about crypto. The price of Bitcoin is now less than 2000 dollars and who knows how deep it will go. The hard fork problem is still looming on and the coming weeks seem to be very crucial for Bitcoin and altcoins as well.

This is the break or make point of crypto world. Either the crypto world will burst much like the Internet bubble or it will begin its never ending journey as a financial mega tool. I am not an expert to talk about Segwit, Segwit2x, Bip 148. If you want to know about technical details you can check out As a crypto enthusiast what I think is that, we all should be vigilant. We must be up to date about what is happening in the cryptocurrency world and act accordingly to protect our digital assets.

My belief is that Bitcoin will survive even this bad times and come out like a phoenix. But for all the investors it's a tough time because there is too much uncertainty and too much at risk. What should we do is be informed of what's happening in the market and what's going on in the technology side. I highly recommend coindesk and cointelegraph for staying up to date with latest Bitcoin developments.

Guys, feel free to express your thoughts in the comment section; I will upvote with all the voting power i have.


I think now its back on track :) recovering.

Yes, recovering now ☺️👍

i am also hopeful . people say. because of disruption. or fear of split it may fall again. by 1st of august. can't say for sure.

I agree with your diagnosis but really nobody has a clue. If the big money guys want it to die they can make it happen. I think they just want to shake the trees and then pump again, rinse and repeat if you ask me. For hodlers a strong pump would be welcomed at this point.

Yes... And there are really really rich people out there in the world that could even buy the amount of cryoto's to a point that they have more then the total marketcap there is at the moment, and just keep on selling for months to decrease the prices so people get disinterested... And go back to more centralised investment alternatives... But I hope we, the people, will make a real change and that those decentralized blockchains find their way to the big masses with real usage and helpfull technologies! Nice post!

You are right @idauch. If we sell our crypto, I think we will be a looser. The crypto that we sell will be bought by the people who are shaking the tress.

As long as you don't sell with losses, you didn't made any losses ;-) that's one of my thoughts to keep on holding! Offcourse I hope you're right with that Phoenix statement you made, and if not, it was a fun ride, all that green and massive price increases during March, April, May, June, ... I was amused!

Yes☺️👍 the experience that we get from market is a valuable thing. In a way I enjoy the ups and downs. If it's a straight line, what's the fun in that. It's the bad times that makes us stronger 😎👍

Well,thank you btcunchained for your comforting words.Is quite a challenging period like never before.i call it a''melting metal stage''bitcoin the metal of all metals, meaning the king of all the cryptocurrency is feeling the melting point of life.i know this time loosing is inevitable.i am a victim too, i have lost a fortune within this few days.

Me too buddy... But I have stopped trading; losses will be greater if we trade now I think. We stepped into crypto knowing the high risk; I think we should all hold to crypto and observe the market and technical progress

Hey...I don't think BTC (or other quality projects) will go anywhere...this charade will end shortly and those who backup the cryptoverse might be rewarded, of course that is as good of a speculation as it can be!

Companies like BitStamp entering into parternships with Swissquote etc. are forcing me to think that BTC/cryptos are going to stay here (not all 1000 of them but at least a good 5% of them will stay!)

Hoping the same ☺️👍

Hah, internet a bubble..

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