steem moving downwards + bitcoin at 7150 + a call to help our users

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Hello friends,


Steem is moving downwards again. Pretty suick accually after 1.5 days of rising after the news that segwit is'nt gonna happen.

We saw a resistance the past weeks around 85-90 cents so that is positive. We are all hoping steem is not in a downtrand like in the beginning of the year where steemprice eventually went down to like 8 cents. Of course that would be a big opportunity to buy!

But that is not going to happen.

On my latest post someone said: 'steemprice is not going to move alot till the update of SMT is going to happen'. And he can be right.

In the meanwhile It is just for us some more time to get steem very cheap keep that in mind! As soon as steemprice goes over 1$ to 2$ or higher you will need alot more money to buy in on steem for much less steem!

And prices will rise for sure!



Bitcoin is floating between 7100$ and 7400$. If you ask me, since its not going down already for some couple of 100's we might expect bitcoin is about to go higher again soon. I think there is a big chance it will. Otherwise people who where planning on to sell some profit would have done it already after the news!

On 1 hand I am glad segwit did not go trough and devided the community, on the other hand bitcoin was held somewhat back because of these updates and because segwit didnt go trough this time does'nt mean it will become necesary in the future, but then when more people of the community stands behind it. And that means another time in the future we will have to repeat what happend in june/juli or oktober this year with the alts.

A call for help to our users

I noticed it is very hard to get some upvotes on posts, even if you put efforts in it. Most of my rewards you see in my blogpage are higher numbers because I use upvoteservices and boosters. Even when you use a booster to boost it to 30$ you wouldnt make an ectra dollar from upvotes. It seems like all people who are able to upvote, sell their votes or just autovote on people from before 2017 who are the core-group and it are these guys who always have like 100-250$ rewards and all the others make posts , put alot of efforts in it and still get as low as 30 cents on their posts!

I expect the number of active users to drop significantly and new users wont stay very long because they put alot of efforts in it and no-one notices you. I wonder how little people there are who are accualy ddoing efforts to search for content, also between the newer people and reward them for it..

But yeah, I don't believe this is going to change soon..

what is your vision on this? Do I have a point? Do you recognize the problem?


Good thoughts.. I especially agreed with this part.

A call for help to our users
I noticed it is very hard to get some upvotes on posts, even if you put efforts in it. Most of my rewards you see in my blogpage are higher numbers because I use upvoteservices and boosters. Even when you use a booster to boost it to 30$ you wouldnt make an ectra dollar from upvotes. It seems like all people who are able to upvote, sell their votes or just autovote on people from before 2017 who are the core-group and it are these guys who always have like 100-250$ rewards and all the others make posts , put alot of efforts in it and still get as low as 30 cents on their posts!

I expect the number of active users to drop significantly and new users wont stay very long because they put alot of efforts in it and no-one notices you. I wonder how little people there are who are accualy ddoing efforts to search for content, also between the newer people and reward them for it..

I'm someone who has experienced both worlds TO AN EXTENT. When I post my photography I'm able to bring in some pretty good rewards ranging from $10 to over $100.. Yet.. Almost everything else I post is like around a dollar or less, and.. I am one of the people who has been here for a long time. I am getting close to 2000 followers.. Yet.. It feels pretty lame when I see bigger names making a lot of money every single day on "shit posts"... And then some that I put a lot of time into, that is like.. Unusual or rare information.. It's pretty much overlooked.. It is very frustrating. AND.. I imagine it's like.. 100 times harder for a lot of new people who are trying to get started here..

In fact I've seen a number of my personal friends I invited over here sort of get discouraged right away and stop posting because it wasn't worth it to them.. So.. I think you're really onto somethign important here.. They need to keep working on preventing the "whales" and favored people from becoming the basic 1%.. A similar thing is playing out on here as in the real world, and certain people are just getting WAAAAYYYYYYYY more than their fair share so to speak.

That is my opinion. I'm not claiming it as fact, though.. It seems clear that if you network with the right influential people, you will make way more money even if your content sucks. Lol. Meanwhile people with great content flounder because all the attention goes to the "celebrities" so to speak and not necessarily to the people putting out great content.

I'm not sure how much they can really do about this, it's similar to what happens in real life, people who network together and work together, excel even if they put out shitty work, but they do well just because they network and connect with others and sort of.. "game" the system. It's sad and unfortunate.. But I dunno what we can do..

Glad you mentioned it though! I may want to touch more on this subject in the future, cause I think you're addressing something really critical and important.

How is steemit going to grow really big and appeal to almost everyone, if.. You have a basic echo chamber of group "elite" masturbation keeping things sort of "sealed off" at the top, while the people who genuinely want to engage get peanuts and then get so discouraged they just quit?

Great post! Thanks for sharing.

thanks for giving such a good comment. I used your comment in my next post to adrs the problem to the communtiy in a seperate post. Feel free to help keeping the discussion there up. I tried to think of a way to solve this and asked people to help think about this. I think we might do this as a consious community.

You're welcome. I'll take a look for the post you mentioned. And yeah.. There might be a solution, or at least something that could help if we think about it and talk about it, who knows! Seems like a pretty smart group of people who are on this platform. For the most part anyways!

I agree.

Steemit curation reward & voting systems are totally broken atm.
The most efficient way to make money on Steem is

  1. Self voting
  2. Use of voting bots like Randowale
  3. Use of follow voting bot on people who's already getting a high average reward (no matter what they post, just vote on them after 30 minutes they post)

and none of those three methods are helpful for Steemit to grow.

I hope dev team fix this soon.

I made another post on this subject, feel free to comment there aswell and keep the discussion alive. Tell us what you think that needs to be done about it :)

Yes I noticed the problem, but there may be another reason for it... following too many people. As your feed gets too high, it is impossible to read them all, especially if you do not live on Steemit.

As example,I would love to read more about the SMT's and their use, release, etc. However those that would write about it are crowded out.

So searching manually those in the know (say like Ned), is the only way... and hence the bots. People want to help their favorites, but if they are lost in your feed you need to bot them to support them... or visit them manually daily.

indeed, that could ba a part of the problem aswell.

I really agree with you @brothermic. Price drops because many people leave steemit. These people probably put a lot of work in their posts and are not getting noticed. When I post something, it can take many hours or days (sewing/3D printing) to make it before I post it. When I make a food post, i put many pictures of the steps so people can understand and it is also proof of work. But somehow I only get few euros for it. While some others just post the end result of their food and get more than 50 euros.... I guess you need to be popular already before you join steemit in order to make it here. C'est la vie.

and that is not a good thing if we wanna gtrow bigger and better. I made a new post to mention this to the community, feel free to help us think about this subject and let's adress this to as many users as possible! thanks for your support!

I will be happy if the steem price rises, but for now lets enjoy cheap steem

I see this as a great investment opportunity. The price definitely has to go up and this might be the next Bitcoin get-rich-in-5-years deal so I am not going to miss it.

I think bitcoin's price will go up. I agree more known people get a lot of the rewards. But I also know some who upvote smaller people like me.

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