Why are your hands so weak? Tricked Again?! Smarten up people.

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Crypto has taken a beating this week! If your like me you really just don’t care because you have seen this trick before. I have used this drop as a buying opportunity and added tokens to a few of my positions. It can be easy to get caught up in the negative main stream media when it comes to cryptos and seriously doubt your investment. I have been fooled off my positions twice before in the past and I can guarantee it won’t happen to me again, especially at these prices.
Cryptocurrency is here to stay friends. If the government really wanted it gone they have has many chances to try and kill it but they never have. Sure they talk bad about crypto but, when it was running the talking heads on TV showed more excitement than a Broncos blowout against the Chiefs. The truth is, big money men are now in this space and lots of manipulation is in the future forecast of Cryptocurrency. The big boys are buying and have been since the MT Gox trustees sold BTC on two different occasions, they just buy in the dark pools off market while they talk about how bad of an investment this is.
Don’t be a fool, the tide will turn and it will most likely turn quick when it flips. Hold your crypto and never get tempted to sell in a panic, this currency is the future and the power elites were most likely the people who started it in the first place. If you need money....go to work......crypto sold today is only getting in the hands of whales who will control you forever if you let them.


Hodl, Hodl, Hodl, and if at all possible , buy, buy, buy. We all new that crypto was going to take big hits along the way to being widely accepted. The talking heads talk out of both sides of their mouth. If you don't believe this simple truth, all you have to do is look at the original stance that Jamie Diamond took on crypto. To him, not too long ago, crypto was nothing more than a Ponzie scheme. Fraud is his mantra as he hopes to drive down the price as he has investors scoop up bitcoin at reduced prices. As you say do not be fooled, crypto is here to stay.

Now whether or not his words influenced this price movement or not, the fact is that JP Morgan’s clients bought Bitcoin during this most recent dip. You can look at this in a number of different ways, but what stands out to me most is this: Everyone wants to make some money, these giant corporations, their clients and the government especially wants to make money. The government just prints it, and JP Morgan will happily invest their clients in a cryptocurrency that the CEO had just announced to be a fraud.

So let's get this straight. JPMorgan plead guilty for manipulating the price of the U.S. dollar. Now, he publicly trashes another currency, a digital currency (Bitcoin) that subsequently set the market down (now starting to regain momentum back up due to the public starting to realize what's going on.) And also said that it could reach as high as $100,000, which was only mentioned later by news sites and is helping it go back up.

Upon further investigation, I found out that JPMorgan itself had filed (over 175 times) for a "Bitcoin-Alternative" patent. It did not get the patent.

Who is the FRAUD?

I would like to get one minute alone with this dirt bag, and wipe that smirk right off of his face.

Further dips to come people, get that spare change ready!!

we've been calling this market as well as the Dow-Jones and the metals right on the nose for months...take a look..steem .468..and still not ready for more than a bounce...and that's after more than a 95 % decline...

Waiting for market rise n i wish it soon.

Crypto market price is decreasing day by day that is very harmful for our.
I don't understand why it's

I bought but also believe we could see some even more opportunities to buy. I do not like venturing away from the big buys that will be in each of the index funds as they eventually are created.

I hope it goes even lower so i can buy more

you want it to go lower? than it is now? woah.....

I keep buying more and more and the next time crypto goes parabolic it will blow our minds just like it has the previous times. Monero at $1000 type stuff! People think I'm a savage that needs to be caged because they keep seeing me going in. But my Ledger is so full I walk with a limp!

this news is not very pleasant hopefully have a good rise as soon as possible I think we want it all

The whales again give signal but holders panicked whales know how to play this game in a smart way

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