Chronicle: We celebrate the Bitcoin Pizza Day despite the fall of the market

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Today I gave a test to the future, or rather a bite. It will seem strange, but today I bought 2 pizzas with bitcoins. A year ago I would have laughed out loud if someone had raised such a possibility, but today I convinced the owner of a pizzeria to accept bitcoins to celebrate that years ago this coin is alive and continues to move into the future.

This May 22 we celebrate the Bitcoin Pizza Day eating pizzas in an establishment that, until today, had only worked with fiduciary coins. It was not difficult, because the truth is that Pizpa's team was very open. Through social networks we contacted, I raised the transaction and in a flash they already had their own portfolio.

Pizpa is one of those places that causes to visit in Caracas, the Venezuelan capital. Small but cozy, the space is full of a large number of designs alluding to pizzas. Small pizzas, libertarian pizzas, funny pizzas and even Pizza Vader, all intermingle.

Who expects to find a traditional pizza funghi or a prosciutto is wrong going there, but, in return, has a highly suggestive flavors menu. Pizza-taco, pizza burger, pizza with banana slices, sweet pizza or grill pizza are some of the options.

We arranged the transaction in the morning and by the end of the afternoon we were in the pizzeria. The light was already declining in the capital and the appetite pressing. We took the opportunity to review the purchase in our social networks, but the cashier was somewhat shy: "I do not understand that, if you want to explain and I help you," he said.

It was simple, she just had to tell us the price in bitcoins, and show us the QR code of the restaurant, and she did it perfectly. Thank you very much again.

Recall that the "original transaction" Bitcoin Pizza Day, years ago, had a value of 40 dollars, sent by Laszlo Hanyecz to Jeremy Sturdivant in an equivalent of 10,000 bitcoins, on May 22, 2010. We today, in 2018, spend such a small fraction of that amount that the figure turns out to be better as a letter from my personal anecdote than as a piece of value (you can check the data here).

If today we had paid the two pizzas with the same amount of BTC as in 2010, the cost would have been more than 80 million dollars; However, the growth of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies is also reflected in operations like this, and for a few satoshis we enjoyed a tasting pizza -which contains almost all the flavors of the menu- and a Pizpa pizza, which has a grill and French fries. .

Thank you very much, Mr. Nakamoto.

This May 22 the cryptocurrency market awoke with a correction, and although at this time is when bitcoiners are urging each other to hold on to their cryptocurrencies (HODL!), The Bitcoin Pizza Day is not just a day in the one that we eat pizza and we share with friends. Deep down, this day shows that betting on a future where cryptocurrencies are a means of exchanging everyday value is not a chimera.

When Hanyecz decided to request in Bitcointalk that someone give him the two pizzas in exchange for his 10,000 bitcoins he knew it, and just after we finished eating, laughing, I also noticed.

Yes, probably tomorrow those pizzas mean double or triple - 80,000,000 dollars! - in fiduciary currency, but that's the cost of success of cryptocurrencies: "I'm willing to pay 10,000 bitcoins for a couple of pizzas. " And that's how bitcoin came true.

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