John McAfee: The Man. The Myth. The Lunatic? - November 30, 2017

in #bitcoin7 years ago

John MacAfee: "If not, I will eat my d*ck on national television."


Just think about that response for a second. Imagine you didn't know the context, like you just walked into the room as he said that.

Of course, more recently John MacAfee upped the ante by doubling up his foreskin forecast to say that he would eat his own d*ck if Bitcoin didn't hit $1 million by 2020

So where is John MacAfee getting his prediction models from?

James Altrucher gives some insight with this response:

"I'll say $1 million by 2020, as well, easily," James Altucher says on CNBC's "Squawk Alley." "There's 15 million millionaires around the world. All their financial advisors are going to say, 'Hey, buy a bitcoin. You need some exposure."

If this prediction model holds water, maybe McAfee will have to live with the disappointment of not eating his d*ck on national television, but until then, keep your coins safe. Buy a Ledger, or another hardware wallet. Mr McAfee might be the most paranoid man in the world, but as the saying goes, Perfect paranoia is perfect awareness. I think the guy sleeps with a pillow under his gun, or maybe he's really just crazy.

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As always, good luck and good fortune to all my fellow Steemians. If you like this point, feel free to toss me and upvote or a resteem.


Honestly, it's not even McAfee's sentiments or wild predictions that don't sit well with me - it's the fact that he's had such a history as a con man. I don't understand why so many people overlook that.

I agree, I wouldn't want to be his friend or even be around him. He's definitely a sociopath, or at least has many traits given his history. Hence why I didn't say a single good thing about him. But for the same reason it serves no purpose to take shots at someone who might have someone hack your bank account for the lols.

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