Bitcoin Investors will be Buying the Fear

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

So, I tend to watch a fair amount of Bitcoin technical analysis on YouTube, just to get a feel for the market and to get different perspectives on where we are.

I should probably stop because a lot of YouTubers are killing me with their short-term analysis. I think that's why I stopped doing daily blogs on crypto, because it get's too easy to lose sight of the bigger picture when constantly zooming in and trying to decipher white noise.

I'm not presenting anything new here that I haven't posted before, but it helps me (and hopefully others) to have a clean long-term perspective on Bitcoin's price. I don't think I know better than anyone else, but right now it just seems so clear to me what's happening.

These first charts are a snapshot of the past 7 months. We're still experiencing lower highs and lower lows, but the angle of decline has slowed dramatically, and we can even see the curvature of the trend forming. This curvature should show a reversal in price action in the next few months, barring any weird catastrophes occurring. Some time after that, I would expect huge buy-ins once higher highs are confirmed.


download (10).png

This next chart is a snapshot of the past 6+ years, and brings the first charts into perspective. We're nearing the long trend line as should be expected. Of course, this doesn't mean there's 0% chance of the price breaking the 6+ year trend, but it seems unlikely at this point given the rising costs of mining a Bitcoin, coupled with increasing economic tensions around the world due to the constant flood of fecal matter coming out of Washington.


As always, this is not financial advice. I am just one guy sharing my opinion (for what it's worth), as everything found in this post is opinion only. Trade and/or invest at your own risk, and always assume that the worst outcome is the most likely outcome for the majority of investors.

Thanks for reading. Shares and comments are always welcome.


The screwed up scale on that last chart always seemed misleading to me as a $6 increase at the bottom is the same distance as an 8k increase at the top of the chart. That trend line keeps us grounded and informed though for sure.

Good stuff!

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