More Crypto Buys! NSFN (Not Safe For Newbs)

in #bitcoin5 years ago

It was an extremely bad day and about the time I'm buying the prices are going even lower. People are losing their minds out there. It has for sure broken a lot of spirits today. I keep buying but realize I have to set myself up for the next couple of years.


Fine, Ill buy more steem also :)

Hahhaha, The most annoying thing is we have to buy ETH and wait around depending on what exchange you are going through to get that over to someplace where you can buy it and the knife is falling fast.

I'm going to write up a more detailed thing on STEEM later which won't all be positive but action speaks louder than words and I have powered up from 1000 SP starting at $0.80 all the way up to 10,000 SP. Probably the last buy in for me but if things tank down to where it is $0.25 or below..... I might not be able to resist making some more moves. EOS is looking delicious at this point....... so many projects looking yummy but we could be getting taken to pound town for awhile.

When there's blood in the water, that's when the sharks move in. Brave move, and gonna be painful short-term, but as you're playing the long game you'll be just fine.

Buying in now is certainly tempting, but i'm not convinced we've seen bottom yet. Will probably pick up a small amount in next couple of weeks, but i'd like to see some trend reversal before I call bottom and go in guns blazing.

I'd be inclined to agree with the analysis below, and say the worse is yet to come.

That is a good article and it does bring some important points to light for sure. Money mangers have certainly been crushed and a lot of these projects who have raised money have been destroyed and have the SEC on their nuts. It will be tough for them to do a spin move out of that situation. That is another reason why I'm extra hesitant at stacking Ethereum right now. I feel there is additional downward pressure especially on it more than other projects.

We are falling so fast that for sure if BTC hits $3,500 I just have to keep applying capital because I have been here before in 2014 / 2015 starting to doubt the pricing and what something is worth. Clearly it is only worth as much as someone is willing to pay for it. But when stuff has fallen 95% off its highs like STEEM it is hard for me to believe that some deeper pockets than mine won't start scooping up. We have both expressed our worries about STEEM but if my average is low enough I think I can generate enough through the down times to end up in a good position if it can at least go back to $2 or $3.

You See my Avatar ? It Smells Blood in the Water and it Likes to Eat more STEEM........

Muhhahahah!!! It is getting nasty out there for sure but we have to be shark like savages at times like this!!!

Shit's getting crazy! More Steem for me. I realized how much I actually dislike bitcoin these days. Litecoin > Bitcoin.

Crazy for sure bro!!! Bitcoin has full blocks again ...... it hasn't really even scaled which is pathetic. STEEM, EOS, TRON, NANO .....etc actually make Bitcoin look like junk in a way.

Nano is super interesting because you mine your own transaction and there are no additional coins being put into circulation NO INFLATION !!!! Instant and free transaction!!! Scooping up more of that as well!!!!

Dang.... need to get more steem!!! NOW is the time!

LOL, It will be interesting to see what happens over the next 6 months.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.29
TRX 0.12
JST 0.033
BTC 63852.87
ETH 3135.82
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.83