Saving for My Kids Future and SMARTcash

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)


First of all, wanted to say thank you for reading along my blog. If you have enjoyed it, its probably because your a parent, hate depression or want to get hype about life...or some combination of the three. So really, thanks for reading along - I hope to genuinely contribute to the platform and community.

I want to talk about my kids future a bit, and a new cryptocurrency thats getting me hype right now.

My personality is one that is quite explosive and is great in high pressure moments but not the best in regards to some of the practicalities of life....such as financial planning. My wife and I have done a few things in regards to real estate and life insuransce, but nothing to help plan for kids future.

Until Now

Cryptocurrencies have enormous potential. Bitcoin is here to say. Jeff Berwick - who has been a front runner in the crypto space for several years, recently put out a newsletter where the header read "Bitcoin Don't Care About China" - and I would totally agree. Government's as a whole are having to respond to cryptocurrencies, and they are unable to shut down the reality of what they offer. People desire what decentralized currencies can do for their own personal protection as well as for commerce.

Early Adopters

While bitcoin is becoming much more known to the general public, I believe we are still in the early adopter phase. I am in the camp that thinks in 10 years crypto wallets will be a normal everyday thing that we use like we use debit or credit cards today. As more and more people begin to see bitcoin as "safe" and "normal" the middle majority of people (at least in 1st world countries) will become more okay with products being purchased with bitcoin and even using it themselves. Business' will move and adapt to where the $$ is at, as more and more business start using bitcoin the value will only continue to rise.

I read an article by @jcornel that I attached here that has some fantastic stats and graphs to help put this into picture format -

Now all that rise is speculation. This has never happened before. Ever. It does however have to yield to basic economics like supply and demand. As more people use bitcoin the value will increase, however the supply never will. Because it can't. Theres not corrupany or government manipulating it, stealing it or making more. Which is the primary reason I have bought into it.


The Other Crypto's?

On top of bitcoin there are hundreds of other coins that address specific areas of commerce. While these crypto's or ICO's have incredible potential they also have much more risk then that bitcoin life. If nobody is using them or if the developers are complete tools they could fall apart. I have taken a bit of my bitcoin and put it into different coins that I believe will have long term impact. In the last few months I have 'lost' some money and 'made some money' on these smaller coins. I put lost and made in quotes because I have no desire to pull out fiat currency and sell my cryptocurrencies and have not actually lost or made any money - that would only happen if I sold my crypto's. The plus side with smaller crypto's is the massive gains you could see in the next 5-10 years if you hold.

To My Fellow Parents

I have not been 'educated' enough to give any 'legitimate' financial advice. My wife and I have started putting crypto's into accounts for our four children. They are all under the age of 10 and they have no choice but to hold. They consist of a combination of BTC, dash, monero, siacoin, litecoin and a few others. Right now the value of those in USD is minimal. However, if you like me believe the crypto space is only going to continue to grow - therefore - increasing the value of my kids accounts. I hope to be a able to get to a place where they can take these currencies and turn them into a new business initiative's when they are 18, or to be able to buy their first house with them. Really whatever my children want, maybe they will continue to hold. Again, a lot of this is speculation. If you have no plan for your kids financial future, let me suggest putting some BTC or some combination of crypto's into an account to give them when they leave your house. It's low risk (as compared to the USD) and has potential upside.

One coin I am going to start putting into my kids account is Smartcash.


Which you can read about here @ - The website is incredibly sharp and put together by @decentralized who help get me into the smart cash space. One of the developers @cryptodate also has some great posts on his account which I will attach at the bottom.

I am not a techie and am learning on the daily about the different terms used with in crypto land. So refer to the website above if anything I am about to talk about is confusing.

Smartcash will be one of the coins that I adopt for my kids accounts. There are several key reasons why. The first one is what smartcash uses a concept called the SmartHive. Think about smarthive like an ant colony or bee hive. The development of the whole platform is driven by the community, encouraging longterm ownership. As different community members take on responsibility for different aspects of the currency development, they then share in on the rewards. The blocks that are mined are distributed out on an 80/20 scale. Where 20% of the block reward is going to the miners and to smartrewards (which you can read about below) and the other 80% goes to the smarthive and the teams that are functioning within the smarthive, to further develop the currency. You can read about those teams here -


Another reason I really like smartcash is because of smartrewards. Or you can think of them like a dividend. On the 26th of every month dividends from the mined blocks gets distributed out to all the smartcash holders. I am still a little unclear on the percentages of that, but am looking forward to getting some free smartcash.

It's Brandnew

The last reason I really like it is because of the incredible upside potential. The coined was developed and has been in existence since July. I got into Smartcash a few weeks ago when it was trading for .6 cents per. The current market cap is Screen Shot 2017-09-19 at 11.01.25 AM.png
There are obvious inherit risks with something like this that is brand new. However, there are also incredible upsides. I'm currently looking at 400% profit. Whose to say the coin doesn't level of in 10 years around 10 cents/per. The profit then is beyond comprehension.

That being said, at least look into it @ and if you are a parent then please put some coin aside for your kids. They will be beyond thankful for the opportunities you can provide with a little bit of cash when they are out of your house!

As always friends thanks for following along! Would love resteems if you like the content, as well as an up vote and any thoughts or relevant comments below!

Live Big and Dominate Life Today!!!

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Great post! minus the dev callout, not sure who that guy is ;P

Also whats your smartcash address?

oops - adjusted it - my bad on that...

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