With Bitcoin Crashing does BitPalas Limited Still Pay? Heres My Day 2 Update!

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Its been 2 full days since I've invested $50 with BitPalas Limited and I was eager to login and find out if I was still earning interest on my initial deposit with them the other day.

If you're not following along I am doing a case study with this program so I can reference it later to others who ask about opportunities as this one.

If you are interested in Signing up or checking out BitPalas Limited follow the link below!


If you found my video helpful please UPVOTE, FOLLOW, and Comment! I look forward to connecting with you soon!


I think it s risky man

That's what I hear with lots of programs and companies as well; including bit connect. Not that they are in the same category....or are they?

I figure they are all risky and if I lose my funds I understand the risk. Which is why I low funds in for the experiment. Im doing this as a study to show people why they should or shouldn't join an opportunity like this if I am asked in the future.

I appreciate you checking out my video and reading my post! I greatly value you and your opinion on this! Don't think I'm not listening. Only tracking my journey and successes and failures for others to learn the easy way instead of the hard way.


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