The Best Blockchain Based Billing Protocol - PumaPay

in #bitcoin6 years ago


Blockchain technology that develops payment protocols that combine the benefits of traditional billing and blockchain technologies, today announced the introduction of the PumaPay protocol; a comprehensive blockchain payment solution that provides billing mechanisms for e-commerce, online services and traditional merchants.
We offer a free block-based protocol that decentralizes transaction processing services and replaces traditional and current blockchain based billing methods. By utilizing innovative tensile contracts and contracts, we employ complex and extensive payment methods like pay-per-use and recurring transactions that were never previously offered as an all-in-one solution for cryptourrency.

As a strong supporter of blockchain and decentralization technology, we recognize the gap between online billing requirements and existing blockchain solutions. Credit card processing systems are becoming obsolete and need to be replaced with protocols designed to meet the needs of a dynamic, global technology-based economy. Our mission is to modernize the payment processing system by creating a growing cryptocurrency economy based on the PumaPay protocol. The PumaPay protocol is designed to:

▪ Standardize and enable full payment methods on blockchain
▪ Decentralize the billing industry and save huge business costs for various mediators
▪ Improve the use of crypto in the online and offline markets at the commercial level
▪ Enable powerful launch partners to disrupt their market by creating a decentralized version of their platform

With PumaPay, you can:
• Adapt to variety billing solution to online selling point and offline
• Provide flexible and comprehensive billing solutions to customers,including repeat payment, payment pay-payment, one-time payment and much more
• Eliminate intermediaries which it imposes commissions of about 3% to 15% per transaction
• Eliminate debit denial Increase trust between customers and businesses with special security and privacy extensions
•Transaction cryptocurrencies with business directly and notes is an additional layer of over-banking service

Is PumaPay flexible only for businesses? No. It offers a variety of payment options to the users so that they can choose the best one based on their needs. Check out the top 2 interesting payment options below.

• Shared payment - How about sending the same amount of money to two or more of your friends at the same time? Sounds interesting? Yes. PumaPay's shared payment option allows sending money to multiple recipients in a single transaction. No need to worry about the privacy of the transactions will be P2P (Point to Point) without sharing the information with the third person.

• Restricted payment - Are you a parent who is searching for a solution to limit the money access to your kids? PumaPay protocol will help you to place restrictions on the wallet based on the purpose of the transaction.

Important Links:

Please find the important links related to the project below and stay updated:

Im sure you will find this helpful. Goodluck

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