How much can you earn on cryptocurrency. Real example.
New ways to generate income on the Internet appear almost every day! And earnings on cryptocurrency is one of the most popular and reliable ways to get rich quick. With the right approach, even with minimal investments, promising projects bring huge profits to investors.
You may have noticed that lately the earnings on the cryptocurrency network is discussed in more often. The topic, which had previously been of interest only to individual enthusiasts for 7 years, suddenly began to be covered in almost all the media. Thanks to the growth of demand for blockchain technology, who joined kryptomere a few years ago, was able to get on the difference in rates millions of dollars.
Of course, many of you are interested in the question of what assets can bring the maximum profit. We will show you how profitable investments in cryptocurrency are.
To begin, let's imagine the situation: exactly a year ago, you went to a popular service for analysis, sorted cryptocurrencies by market capitalization and randomly selected one of the top 100, and then went to the stock exchange and purchased coins for a hundred dollars. How much profit you would get today with this investment? Consider the example of 10 leading cryptocurrencies.
This is the most famous coin and most novice investors are invested in it. The profit seems incredible, but relative to other cryptocurrencies from the article it is quite modest. Some assets do not grow in hundreds, like BTC, but thousands of times!
The course is 25 February 2017: $1169
Course February 25, 2018: $9692
The difference is: +730%
Profit: $730
It should be noted that these figures are quite conditional, since in 2017 the cost of bitcoin rose above the mark of 19 thousand$, which is almost twice more than today. Just imagine your income if you managed to sell coins in December!
Course 25 February 2017: $13
Rate February 25, 2018: $845
The difference is: +6400%
Profit: $6400
In January, the price of ETC rose to$ 1300, and consequently, experienced investors were able to benefit even more. This unique project of canadian-Russian programmer Vitalik Buterin started in 2015. Today Ethereum is in great demand among the newcomers of the market and attracts the attention of the press. Many experts believe that if the coin retains its momentum, in the next couple of years it will be able to push bitcoin and take place on the podium.
Has a lot of advantages over BTC. First, transactions on the XRP network are confirmed much faster. In addition, the operation requires less electricity, and users ' funds are more secure. Although this cryptocurrency appeared much later than bitcoin, its market capitalization is only 4 times less.
The course is 25 February 2017: $0.0057
Rate February 25, 2018: $0.95
Difference: +16600%
Profit: $16600
Indicators here, as well as at the previous coins, are symbolic, as in recent months the market is going through hard times, and many cryptocurrencies undergo a small correction. In early January, Ripple reached its maximum - $ 3.50 per coin, and investors who managed to catch the moment, received 62,000% or 3.5 million rubles of income from just a hundred dollars! And it is not surprising that earnings on cryptocurrency are of interest to almost all major players of the financial market, because such a profit can be obtained only from investments in digital assets.
The most famous fork of bitcoin appeared in the summer of 2017. Therefore, the countdown we will lead from this date.
The course is 23 July 2017: $555
Rate February 25, 2018: $1187
The difference: 110%
Profit: $ 110
Despite the fact that in the first months of existence, the cryptocurrency has brought its owners nothing but losses at the end of December 2018 BCH showed a rapid growth of 600% up to 3800$.
The course is 25 February 2017: $3,84
February 25, 2018 course: $210
Difference: + 5400%
Profit: $ 5400
This oldest BTC fork, steadily growing in price for more than 3 years in a row, appeared in 2011. The maximum profit he brought to her owners in December, when it cost about $ 350 per coin.
The course is October 2, 2017: $0,021
Rate February 25, 2018: $0.32
Difference: + 1400%
Profit: $ 1400
The Cardano project was created at the end of 2014 by a group of enthusiasts, Asian investors and entrepreneurs, but the new cryptocurrency was launched only three years later. All this time, the organizers were collecting funds through ICO, as a result of which they managed to raise $62 million. Experts attribute this coin to one of the most promising, which is quite fair, because this platform is a new branch in the development of the digital Finance industry. Cardano blockchain is built on Haskell programming language and supports smart contracts. In January 2018, the Ada cryptocurrency reached a value of$ 1.24, which is 5800% higher than the starting price!
The course is 25 February 2017: $0.11
Rate February 25, 2018: $117
Difference: +107000%
Profit: $107000
Large and fast earnings on cryptocurrency is possible, which proves the "improved version of ETH" previously known as Antshares. The brainchild of Chinese developers was born in the fall of 2016. One of the most dynamically developing and profitable coins reached its maximum on January 16, 2018, when its value amounted to about 190$.
The course is 25 February 2017: $0.0018
Rate February 25, 2018: $0,34
Difference: + 19000%
Profit: $19000
Cryptocurrency stellar (Stellar Lumens XLM) was launched as part of the eponymous decentralized platform in 2014 by jed McCaleb (jed McCaleb), a former ripple developer. The news that the project was supported by large companies and banks, caused a rapid increase in the rate of the coin — 3 times in just one day. January 4, 2018 the cost of XML was$ 0.91, which is 50 thousand % higher than the original.
Many believe that it is impossible to get good interest on deposits without a large starting amount. After all, bitcoin already worth more than$8,000! But in fact, earnings on cryptocurrency depends not so much on the initial capital as on the ability to read charts and analyze projects. This is once again proved by our statistics. Investors who saw the potential in Stellar last year and invested only $ 100 today have become millionaires!
The rate of July 1, 2017: $1,03
Rate February 25, 2018: $7,78
Difference: + 650%
Profit: $ 650
It is considered one of the most promising projects in the modern crypto industry. The founders of EOS intend to create the most powerful ecosystem in the world to develop and support decentralized applications. On 13 January, the cryptocurrency reached$ 18 and offered investors considerable income.
The course is 13 June 2017: $0,63
Exchange rate 25 February 2018: $1,87
The difference is: +190%
Profit: $ 190
A unique idea, a high level of security, infinite scalability and no charges for the transaction provided the project a huge success. Like almost all popular cryptocurrency in December, IOTA has significantly added to the cost: the 20-th of the price of a single token made up 5.31$, which is almost 9 times higher than the initial figures.
Other popular cryptocurrencies, including DASH, NEM, Monero, as well as BitConnect, the rate of which has risen from$ 0.8 to$470 over the past 12 months, have also brought huge profits to investors. You could sell the bike, invest in BCC and a year to buy an e-class Mercedes. But just a few weeks in late January — early February, the cost of the coin fell sharply to $ 3. Holders of BitConnect as easily acquired their fortune, and rapidly lost it, not counting those who were able to sell tokens on time.
The above-mentioned projects clearly demonstrate how large is the earnings on the cryptocurrency. With a hundred dollars a year can make a million effortlessly, you only need to choose the right investment object, which has a solid technical basis and has good prerequisites for further development.

For future viewers: price of bitcoin at the moment of posting is 9671.80USD
Thanks for the update, in my opinion Bitcoin is not doing too bad from the drop recently compared to dropping to as low as $6139.00 in February
I find your post very useful and insightful , yes crptocurrencies from my opinion can get one rich quickly and so can one lose as well. And like you pointed out picking the right coins is the way and if one is able to HODL in times of bear and not panic then the crypto space is exciting while making money through it.
Thanks for always coming up with great stuff
thank you!
You are welcome
Insane amounts. I used to get happy in the stock market if I doubled my money LOL.
you will double)))