研究自閉症的非營利組織 Autism Speaks 接受加密貨幣捐款

in #bitcoin3 years ago

接受加密的慈善機構和非營利組織的數量繼續增長,現在看起來自閉症科學基金會 (ASF) 已成為最新一家對 BTC Say Yes 的公司。


如果您曾經幻想過使用比特幣來解決世界上最大的問題之一,那麼現在可能是時候了。ASF - 一個尋求持續資助研究自閉症的非營利組織 - 表示它現在正在接受加密貨幣捐贈以幫助其繼續實踐。到目前為止,ASF 已表示將接受以太坊、比特幣、美元硬幣 (USDC)、狗狗幣、萊特幣、比特幣現金和 Dai。

ASF 的聯合創始人兼總裁 Alison Singer 在最近的一次採訪中表達了她對不斷增長的加密空間的熱情。她說:

「我們很高興將我們的籌款機制擴展到現在包括加密貨幣,這使個人和公司能夠以另一種方式為自閉症患者的生活帶來有意義的改變。加密社區通過他們對我們即將舉行的 Wall Street Rides FAR 籌款活動的慷慨支持,對我們的使命給予了極大的支持,我們很高興為他們提供另一種捐贈方式。」

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【How you can donate crypto to fight autism】

The number of charities and non-profit organizations accepting crypto continues to grow, and now it looks like the Autism Science Foundation (ASF) has become the latest firm to say “yes” to BTC.

If you’ve ever fancied using bitcoin to combat one of the world’s biggest issues, now may be the time. The ASF – a non-profit that seeks continued funding to research autism – says it is now accepting cryptocurrency donations to help it stay in practice. Thus far, the ASF has stated it will accept Ethereum, bitcoin, USD Coin (USDC), Dogecoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin cash, and Dai.

Alison Singer – the co-founder and president of ASF – expressed her enthusiasm for the growing crypto space in a recent interview. She stated:

'We are thrilled to expand our fundraising mechanisms to now include cryptocurrency, which allows both individuals and corporations yet another way to make a meaningful difference in the lives of people with autism. The crypto community, through their generous backing of our upcoming Wall Street Rides FAR fundraiser, has been hugely supportive of our mission, and we’re delighted to offer them an additional way to donate.'

🔗 Download Bixin wallet: https://bit.ly/fb532432

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