in #bitcoin6 years ago

Some countries are going to block VPNs, block foreign websites and cut themselves off from the global Internet within twenty years.

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They are going to mandate special domestic network protocols.

They will (and are) using machine learning to identify particular types of traffic and drop them, redirect them or cut them off.


The Skycoin architecture was designed for high reliability in a cyber warfare scenario, with active attempts at detection and termination of network connections, fixed CPU/memory constraints and potentially an upper cap on bandwidth.

For instance, Skywire will have "Sky-messenger" and ability for a machine to machine communication by a public key

  • Sky-messenger will have multiplexer and multiple redundant channels or connection methods available, including CXO mutual pub-sub, direct TCP/IP connection (TOX-like), Skywire (multi-hop, pluggable transport, like open-flow), etc.

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Then Skywire will have an "asynchronous wallet". That runs through sky-messenger. So that even if you do not have enough bandwidth/storage/CPU you can still get wallet updates and inject transactions (thin client). This will work even if the network is extremely limited and connectivity is unreliable and available bandwidth is limited.


This will even work over SMS channels or HAM radio and will very light.

Skywire has different "degrees" or level that a node can operate at

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  • Ultra-thin client (ex. mobile wallet that just can check balances and send, get streaming history updates, etc.)

-Normal node (fixed bandwidth, CPU, RAM upper bounds)

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  • Super-node (cluster of +16 arm boards (the Skywire miners), Skywire nodes, route topology information, CXO nodes, content (BBS nodes, etc.), Skycoin thin client access points, dedicated hardware interlinks to other clusters, etc.)


So while a normal client only takes input from a finite number of nodes for consensus, etc., a super-node might have subscriptions and peer-to-peer replication of every pubkey/node participating in the whole consensus network. It may also have a full route and topology map for the whole Skywire network and would be exposing services and APIs to other nodes.


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There are new types of cyber attacks appearing. DNS injection attacks.
HTTPS websites being timed out. So if you try to access certain blogs, they will degrade service. You will be frustrated and have to reload the page several times.

The server ping will be 10 ms, but the page won't load or will take 30 seconds.

There appear to be servers on the Internet now that are designed to fuck with people's traffic.

Twitter/Facebook are being locked down. If you tweet about leaked NSA documents, the tweet disappears on the line.

Many people have noticed how bad the censorship filtering is getting.

  • There is filtering at the cache/CDN level
  • There is filtering at the Twitter level, where advertisers can pay to make bad things about them disappear and good things to appear, to "manage their brand".
    They also allow governments/corporations to control people's minds .
  • There appears to be on the line filtering, where content is being removed or modified between the web server and the browser. If the government does not like a particular post or link to a website, they can just make it disappear.


DNS requests are unencrypted and encrypted DNS is being suppressed (the NSA and military rely upon it for a lot of metadata and military programs. They had Wikipedia admins go in and delete/redirect the pages on encrypted DNS alternatives). Since the request is unencrypted, it tells anyone listening exactly what websites you are visiting. Now, those requests are being modified, so accessing certain websites ends up getting you redirected to a server that just times out. It gets toggled on and off randomly, so it looks like the website is down, but it is not.

The whole Internet is being turned into a corporate controlled net.
The governments are

  • Trying to rig the elections (destroy independent political parties, censor criticism of corrupt politicians)

  • Trying to censor the pedophile leaks from going viral

  • Trying to gain the ability to control what their populations believe (psychological warfare)

  • Trying to protect corporations against being held accountable by the public (mind control, thought control)

  • Trying to shut down Russia Today and Alternative Media

  • Building the capacity to stop information that the FSB or Wikileaks may release later from going viral on social media platforms (ability to enforce media blackout, links and posts will just disappear from other people's feeds, the posters -accounts will be silenced or isolated)

  • Building out spamming capacity, to attack and destroy online social groups they don’t like, by flooding them with shill bots and diluting the content to level where users flee the platform. For instance, by flooding a blog with hundreds of shit or low quality comments to dilute out the good comments. They are just going to keep "churning" the platforms and scattering the user communities, to prevent another anon from forming and to keep people separated into small manageable groups that spend all their time fighting with each other. Dozens of techniques like this are being developed and used (capacities), by governments, political organizations, and corporations.

  • Building out router/infrastructure capacity to shut down or control applications such as BitTorrent, Tor, Bitcoin, messaging applications, VPNs .

The Internet is being weaponized in a fascist corporate/government takeover.
Every single protocol they can subvert, they are doing that or testing the capacity. Every single meter of control or power control over the Internet they can take, they are seizing it.

This is an article by one of the pirate bay founders. There is civilization collapse level nihilism here.

The good news is that Skywire internet protocols will be immune to these problems. They are in progress.

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It is very important that this information is implemented/replicated peer-to-peer.

In a war scenario, Russia, China, Brazil, and even the United States will balkanize the Internet. There will be communication restrictions. You will not be able to connect in the global namespace, from a server in Brazil to a server in China.

As long as there is a single satellite phone link or clandestine cross-border radio link between countries, the peer-to-peer replication will succeed. Data replicates independently within the balkanized zones. So the cross-border bandwidth may only need to be a few KB/s.


Skywire is designed specifically for a balkanized Internet, with intermediate node connectivity. Especially in war scenario where global communications are sporadic and the electromagnetic environment is unreliable or hostile.


The Internet came out of DoD ARPANET.
Tor came out of Navy being able to access their secure network web-mail email servers from a public network without NSA snooping in (secure access over public networks). Skywire came out of research on store-and-forward networks for disruption-tolerant networking, mobile ad-hoc networking and diversity routing in mesh networks.

Store and forward is useful for emergency communication networks. In theory, it can tolerate minutes, hours or day of latency as long as the protocol is designed to minimize round trips. It is already used for downloading files and data from spacecraft, where there are sporadic communication windows.

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Current drones require constant network connectivity or are fully autonomous. Future drones with being semi-autonomous and roam between network access points, uploading telemetry data and receiving commands, while operating autonomously when communication networks are unavailable. Store and forward, source independent networking works very well for this application. There are similar applications for asynchronous sensor networks, where a drone or vehicle may drive by a site and connect locally to the sensors and download the data in batches, without the requirement for real-time network access. Sensor and vehicle networks that have been cut off from the global Internet can continue to function in the local network without interruption and exchange data when possible.

A drone may have satellite uplink but is also able to use stationary ground links it encounters. This allows continued operation if the satellite is jammed or shot down or equipment becomes damaged (redundancy). A drone may wander drifting between sources of power and communication and opportunistically uploading/exchanging data about resource locations with other elements of the sensor/vehicle swarm.

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Meshnets, emergency communication networks, sensor/vehicle swarms require a new type of networking technology. TCP/IP end-to-end re-transmission no longer works when you have 10 hops and even 5% loss on each hop. The source independent networking and store-and-forward method are "scale invariant" in that it handles latencies of milliseconds the same as latencies of hours and days. However, it is a complete redefinition of the existing network stack.

It is ironic that the network of the future is going back to the Unix-to-Unix Copy.

One way Skywire will use to circumvent coordinated attacks from various competitors is illustrated in the map below

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Skywire may implement thousands of Low Power Long Range Radio Communication antennas
By combining several factors, you really can achieve amazing results;
• Collect the RF power to an extremely narrow bandwidth
• Low modulation rate allowing the receiver to integrate over time
• Using a frequency high enough to penetrate the D-layer with low losses
• Using a frequency low enough to refract in the F2 layer
• Timing the ionospheric conditions according to D- and F2 layers
• Generous forward error correction coding

This above is a digital transmission of 0.1 watts (20dBm) from Sweden to Australia, over 15000km using the WSPR protocol. For comparison, your cell phone uses many times this transmission power. :-)
• 6 Hz (sic) modulation bandwidth
• Modulation 4-FSK
• 50 bits payload transmitted over just under 2 minutes time
• Modulation speed ~1.5 baud
• Data speed ~0.5 bps
• 28 MHz carriers
• Vertical (omnidirectional) antenna
Not any data rates you may surf the web with, but I find it amazing you actually can transmit messages literary across half the world, without any infrastructure, using almost undetectable RF power and equipment available to more or less everyone

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Asynchronous data is data that is not synchronized when it is sent or received. In this type of transmission, signals are sent between the computers and external systems or vice versa in an asynchronous manner. This usually refers to data that is transmitted at intermittent intervals rather than in a steady stream, which means that the first parts of the complete file might not always be the first to be sent and arrive at the destination. Different parts of the complete data are sent at different intervals, sometimes simultaneously, but follow different paths toward the destination. The transfer of asynchronous data doesn’t require the coordination or timing of bits between the two endpoints."
• The protocol can still function even if data packets are sent on USB sticks one by one between continents.
• Friendly with inter-galactic communication: consider that we only have a line of sight of a planet every 20 hours for 10 hours
The disadvantages can be fixed by channel bonding
Channel bonding is an arrangement of communications links in which two or more links are combined for redundancy or increased throughput. Examples include links associated with network interfaces on a host computer or downstream and upstream channels within a DOCSIS cable modem connection."

• Redundancy promotes a cockroach-like tendency for information. Anti-fragile. If you want to censor a piece of information you must censor all transmitters of this information all at once. You miss one and it will replicate like a virus in an infected host.
The more you censor a desired piece of information, the higher the economic incentives there is to provide that data (cockroach-like/anti-fragile).

Redundancy encourages decentralization: this in turns encourages localism of data storage (CXO) and therefore anti-monopoly and data silos (anti surveillance capitalism practiced by Facebook/Google). Demand will automatically find the path with the most optimal price (i.e. locally).

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Skywire has been designed with the above ideas in mind and from the look of things nothing can stop it
They are not asking their permission from Facebook, Google, Microsoft or Apple. It’s game on .

Skywire will overcome the issue of ISP banning the reselling of bandwidth in the sense that once Skywire gets to the Backhaul stage , it won't depend on ISP . The whole essence of Skywire is to build a new network . With the deployment of Skywire antennas the physical network that will not depend on ISPs will be created


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Skywire testNet started in May of 2018 and the VPN function of the network is working, so users have been connecting to the Internet through nodes around the world.
To support the mesh network, Skycoin has been doling out about$250,000 dollars monthly in Skycoin since the inception of the testnet

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The Skycoin Skywire project has already deployed 8600+ Skyminer hardware nodes across the world (http://discovery.skycoin.net:8001/#/ ).
Antennas will connect the nodes, creating a global peer-peer mesh network that operates independently of the regular Internet and ISPs

These antennas are ready and ready for deployment

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All attention and excitement are now directed toward the launch of the mainnet.
This is where the real benefit of the mesh network will present itself. All of the skywire nodes will be connecting to the mesh through wifi and will begin sharing their bandwidth.
The coinhour bank for sharing bandwidth is complete and will be listed separately shortly.

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The final stage of the roadmap will be what Skycoin refers to as “Backhaul”. This will be when the wireless meshnet will link up to the Fiber connection point. This will require a lot more upfront investment as well and be a great deal more involved. However, once this has been implemented, the meshnet will no longer depend on the ISPs such as Comcast.

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The aim, for now, is not to make billions of dollars. The man who gave the web away for free has never been motivated by money. However, Skywire’s plans could impact billion-dollar business models that profit off of control over data. It’s not likely that the big powers of the web will give up control without a fight.
There's no way for ISPs to tell someone that they can't use their own personal hardware processing & storage as well as antennas to create & sell their own bandwidth.


You also have accurate Internet usage measurements.
You can consume as much Internet as you need and sell the rest of your bandwidth. In other words, you can become your own ISP.

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You pay for what you use and not pay a flat rate just to check your email.
Once again this is a gentle reminder that this is probably most under the radar project in the crypto space.
99 percent of projects in coinmarketcap have no product. The days where you can get to the top with nothing but marketing are over.
I do get the pleasure of writing in-depth content that is useful to me myself and others so I hope you enjoy and do your own research and due diligence
Are you ready for the new internet revolution ?


Find out more about the Skycoin project

2018-08-26 23.02.25.jpghttps://www.skycoin.net

For all question concerning skywire join the telegram @ https://t.me/skywire

Telegram: https://t.me/Skycoin
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sign for skyminer waiting list @ https://www.skycoin.net/skyminer/

Learn to build your own skyminer @ https://skywug.net/forum/Forum-Skywire

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/skycoinproject
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/skycoinproject
Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/Skycoin

follow me on twitter https://twitter.com/bivins1


👍 and resteemed

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