Bitcoin 6k surge having investors rethinking the future

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Whether bitcoins adjusted price is those holding wishing for the possible gold fork is anybodies guess. Many are very bullish about the forecast of bitcoin such as Mark Yusko of Morgan Creek Capital Management believing bitcoin will likely reach half a million within 20 years time.

bitcoin MOONNNNN.gif

Lets not forget maverick of the crypto-world John Mcafee believes in only 3 years will we see $500,000. To move a such a feverish pace would be something of a Fibonacci Sequence unraveling 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55.. Which is used by some in technical analysis. Fibonacci Retracements to be precise, are ratios used to identify potential reversal levels. These ratios present themselves in Fibonacci sequence and are handy predictors.

One thing we do know is the idea of money and assets has evolved tremendously for our species. From crude stones to coins and ledgers, to paper fiat moving to digital, then to being your own bank within a blockchain system. This is truly a great time to be alive right in the middle of this huge global change in our history.


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