Wall St Corruption Is Enabled By Regulators, Opt Out With Bitcoin

in #bitcoin4 years ago

The Reddit Wolves of Wall Street - 2021 has started with a bang. This year is definitely going to be more mental than the last. This whole GameStop Saga is merely the unfiltered-truth. The theft & corruption is in plain sight. This is first-hand evidence the billionaire elite is all one big boys club. Most of them should be in prison. They are just becoming slack, they aren't even trying to hide the truth anymore. This is what happens when you're on the receiving end of the government money printer; they scheme & collude together with investigations, censorship, regulations etc. They are becoming careless; they are becoming complacent because they believe nothing will stop them. This really feels as if it's about to change in a big way. I think Bitcoin is going to catch them with their pants down. I think governments/central banks & all their rich corporate buddies are going to try short Bitcoin (every way they can), then the internet is going to punish them.

To put all this perspective; a bunch of members on a Reddit sub were able to short-squeeze billion dollar hedge funds out of their position (Counter-trade) - causing them to lose in a very costly way. They obviously called up their friends in government soon after & started crying on the phone; worried they would lose their yachts & model wives. Trading was soon after censored in their favor to reduce further loses. This is not a free market, regulations are put in place to enable the real fraud. Free markets are needed in this world so everyone is on an level playing field. In the current system, if you're in the elite club the game is always rigged in your favor, whilst everyone else is disadvantaged.

Honestly, I was so happy to hear this news - this needed to happen. The internet continues to strip more power from the most powerful. A huge shift is coming; this is only the beginning. In a Bitcoin world; individuals take back their rights & freedom. The reason there's so much inequality in the money is because a small group of people are able to control & manipulate it - In what world should this be ethical? As an individual, you'd have to be so ignorant to believe these regulations are here to protect you. Governments provide extremely expensive protection services. They have made it legal to rob you. You simply cannot ignore it anymore.

In the Bitcoin markets, this reddit-type action is a regular occurrence & it should be. If you invest capital & you lose, that's on you. If you invest capital & you win good for you. There should be no sly exceptions for the rich & powerful to have an advantage. This is why capital gains tax is theft upon theft. Tax, inflation & money creation all make me mad. Capital gains tax fires me up just that little bit more. You risk your time, effort, capital, & if you amount a gain, they simply force you to give them a large percentage of your profits. If you keep losing, sure you get offsets, but it's only the net gains they care about. They aren't paying you when you're negative in the red. I've always thought it's disgusting - the hypocrisy is unreal.

You work 60 hour plus weeks & all the care about is their revenue for their lush lifestyles. If you don't like it; join us in the Bitcoin-circular economy. It will inevitably grow & it will only get harder for them to enforce draconian laws & regulations; either way the internet is just going to route around them. You cannot truly regulate Bitcoin. It will eventually kill their revenue models. Bitcoin abolishes all their hidden taxes by default. They will have to be more honest if they want us as their customers going forward. Pay attention to Bitcoin in 2021, you're probably going to be rewarded handsomely for it. It's definitely riskier to not own it right now. The risk-reward ratio is heavily in your advantage. This reddit event is proof you need to take matters into your own hands. Governments aren't going to save us. World leaders are just planning for further domination. If you want to stay with them - have fun staying poor.

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